
Drawing #3

Sorry, didn't get to post last night. Busy researching housing and moving companys....
#1) The words flammable and inflammable mean the same thing. TRUE (Both adjectives describe a substance that is easily ignited. Because inflammable is thought by some to mean "not easily ignited" flammable is preferred for use on warning labels.)

#2) What color button is the A button on the controller sold with the original Nintendo Entertainment System? RED

#3) A chocolate bar contains more caffeine than a cup of coffee. FALSE (A cup of coffee contains two to five times the caffeine of a chocolate bar.)

Now, go ahead and leave a comment to enter the drawing!


Me said...

Those are some interesting facts!
Mailed your stuff today! :-)

Anonymous said...

I knew the 1st and the 3rd.

I had no idea about the Nintendo though...

You learn something new everyday, albeit slightly useless information...

Why is it the useless information that I tend to NEVER forget?