
Well, it must not have been God's will to go to San Diego right now. There was really no good reason to not send us and their conversation was still at first about sending him out there but then he (VP) brought up my pg and decided that it wouldn't be good to put me through all of the stress of moving right now. I really think he was just on the fence about even opening the office right now and is looking to stall for 6 months or so. Soooo, that's good I guess. Now I can focus on the new baby and my kids. We can finish AWANA and Hannah can continue her piano lessons. She has her first recital at the end of April and would've missed it if we were moving. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us. We really have a peace about it. We were bummed at first but know that if we were meant to go God would've worked it out.

Speaking of God working things out, has anyone seen that new movie out called Facing the Giants??? What an awesome movie. I wish there were more movies out like that for my family to watch. It shows in real life situations just how God can work in our lives, something that my kids are still trying to wrap their brains around.

Two weekends ago hubby bowled in a fundraiser tournament with people from my Mom's work. It was some sortof Soroptomist fundraiser. Anyways, he came in first place:) He won a little giftset with a giftcard to Harkins theaters and a free popcorn certificate. So, last night we took the kids to see The Bridge to Terabithia. It was better than I expected. I'm not a real big fan of fantasy/sci-fi but I almost liked it (g). There was one bad word and there was a scene after she attended church with them that they discussed Jesus' death- she thought it was beautiful and the others thought it was scary and gross. She made the comment that because she doesn't "have" to believe in it, she thinks it's beautiful. The others are basically forced to believe it, so they think it's scary. Then they went on to question whether God could/would REALLY send anyone to hell. Brandon turned to me and said, "Mommy it IS true because that's what the Bible says." So sad that there are people who only want to believe what makes them FEEL good about the Bible refusing to believe EVERYTHING that God says....

Wow, Hannah just pointed out to me that the baby is due on Mother's Day, May 1th. How cool is that? Brandon ALMOST came on Father's Day the year he was born.


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