
Yesterday I was feeling pretty crummy still. Drug us all to AWANA last night and got home totally exhausted. I decided to use my inhaler every 4 hours like I'm supposed to for 24 hours and see if it made a difference....it did. I woke up this morning feeling pretty good and think I have enough energy to actually get something done around here in preparation for our company on Friday. I also have my Dr's appt today and wanted to be able to tell her that my inhaler was not working. I put off using it because about 5 minutes after I use it, I feel all jittery and nervous inside from it. I really don't like that feeling and was willing to put up with a cough to avoid it. I'm thinking though, that I was oxygen depleted or something hence my lack of energy. So lesson learned, I'll use that silly inhaler when I need it.

I better go to get some housework done today and I have my appt later this afternoon. Oh boy, another "lashing" about my weight, can't wait:) I think I've *only* gained about 3 lbs. this month, not 7 like last month, so maybe she'll take it easy???



DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

3 lbs seems to be a good amount....glad the inhaler helped.

Me said...

I forgot about your vacation! I was wondering where you were! DUH! Happy early birthday if I don't get a chance to call you tomorrow! :-)

Me said...

I called her today - everyone is fine and they had good holidays. Just haven't been to the computer in awhile.