
Two days until the BIG ultrasound. We're all hoping we can tell what the baby is:) The kids are beside themselves in anticipation...

We've decided on our girl's name if it's a girl. Still working on the boy's name. I'm going to hold you all in suspense and keep it a secret though because I don't want to be swayed by people's opinions and end up second guessing it.

A few of us woke up sick with a cold this morning. That makes 3 colds and 1 flu in 4 straight weeks. I'm not liking this....we'll have to quit going to Walmart.

Other than that pretty boring around here:) We might try and leave today to go to the Learning store. I want to see what they have in the way of handwriting programs. Brandon needs a new one and I'm too impatient to wait for shipping. Plus, I want to be able to piece meal it a little more to go with his phonics lessons that we started this last week. I don't think I can do that with "A Reason For"....

Hubby is teaching his OSHA class today so we're going to try and get some housework done today (HA-HA-HA). My Grandparents are coming soon and I want the house cleaned and picked up before then. We'll see how far we get. "All I want for Christmas is a cle-ean house." LOL

Well better go. The boys are supposed to be cleaning their room and are locking Matty out. We have a "do not slam/lock/close" doors on people rule around here due to various finger pinching incidents...



DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Can't wait to hear about your u.s.

I did the same with names. I think it is a wise policy.

Sorry to hear that several of you are ill. Praying.

Me said...

I am waiting in anticipation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me said...

Oh- I think you should share with some of us that PUSHED you to fill in the month of May.... you don't have to, I am just being my bossy self!
I have another friend PG (well the list of people is up to 11 right now!) and she is due in June. She wants the name Emmalynn. Everyone needs to stay away from MY name! I am holding out for it!!!!! But, I like oldschool names like Elizabeth (not liz or beth - ELIZABETH).
Okay - later gator!
BTW- If I don't see a blog tomorrow when I check - I be calling you! *gr*