
Yesterday I felt pretty good again:) I'm starting to like this....hopefully it lasts.

Yesterday I got most of "Mt. Laundry" folded. Gotta' get it put away now. We left early yesterday for AWANA so that I could stop at the post office and pick up some fast food for us for dinner. I also had to stop at the grocery store and pick up some cookies and milk as I had volunteered for "snacks" for last night.
AWANA went pretty good. The kids in my group were able to get at least 2 sections done each and one little guy got 6 done! Hannah was only able to get one section done, she's memorizing the Lord's prayer. I bought a handheld voice recorder so I'm going to record myself saying it a bunch of times and have her sit and listen to it. Hopefully that works! It did for me in highschool.....

Hannah's teapot/teacup cookies cutters arrived. Wow, fast shipping! I think I ordered them on Thursday from someone on Ebay. Hannah's getting really excited for her tea party. We are going to be doing November's. Ooohh, the pressure! LOL

I'm starting to be able to eat food again and today discovered "fresh" pineapple. I've never had fresh before, just canned, and it sooo doesn't even compare!

Well, that's about all going on right now. Interesting huh??? LOL

Jen ºÜº

1 comment:

Lexie said...

I'm glad you're feeling better.

Family once brought us a pineapple from Hawaii. After devouring that juicy yummy delicious fruit, canned tastes like cardboard!

Never heard of the draino thing. Wonder how acurate it is!!

Blessings, Mlpinky