
Ok, I forgot two things. Guess I got caught up in writing my memoirs VBG.

First thing, I decided to switch my kids' curriculum. I decided to go with ACE paces until life settles down for us. That probably won't be for at least 2-3 years though. Anyways, I read through the catalog and was sortof bummed as I evaluated that Hannah really should do the 1st grade level and Brandon should really do the Kindergarten level. They would both be 1 year "behind". I sucked up my pride and said "Ok, we'll just speed things up a little and catch up in a year." Well, I had both the kids take the online placement tests today and Brandon scored at the beginning of 1st grade which is where he "should" be and Hannah actually scored at being the beginning of 3rd grade...one grade ahead! I was totally shocked and happy. I can now RELAX and order the kids their "levels" and we don't have to rush through, we have a whole year to get it done. We are sticking with Math-U-See though, it's the BEST and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

The second thing, and this is a funny one. My step mom had me do the Drain-O test tonight to find out the sex of the baby. According to the test, we're having a BOY. Won't go into the details of the test but lets just say, I'm now a restroom chemist. We'll see just how accurate the "test" is....LOL.

Jen ºÜº

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ACE sounds like a good plan while you are in such a busy season. I'm dying to know about this draino test. :::snort:::