
Oh, I forgot! Since enquiring minds DO want to know....

Here's the Draino test:

1 cup urine
1 TB Draino

Basically, wet in a cup and add the draino. If the "result" is green it's a girl, if it's brown it's a boy.

Again, we'll see if it's accurate or not.....hubby's already trying to perfect our "boy's" name VBG. Last night it was "Jackson Canyon". I just giggled and said it was too "earthy" for me. Actually now that I look at it in writing, it looks like it could be a Rescue Hero's name LOL. Jake's already saying that if we go with "Jack" that he could call him "Jack Hammer" which IS a Rescue Hero's name. I think I'd better steer clear of the name"Jack"........

Jen ºÜº


Anonymous said...

Oh I remember doing the draino test! I was supposed to have a girl twice lol. I had 2 green tests but ended up with 3 boys lol. God love em.

I've not been able to blog-visit much. I hope all is well with you. I'm going to go read further and see :)


Anonymous said...

OK that is gross! Sorry I asked. :::snort::: Now - WHO came up with this test???? Is it a trusted source? Will you have an ultrasound to confirm the results of your scientific test?

Glad you are feeling better. That first tri-mester can be a bear.