
Nothing too interesting happened this weekend. Saturday, well I can't even remember what we did so it must have been fun (VBG). Yesterday I got sick at church between SS and Worship Service. I wasn't even feeling that nauseous or anything, I had just gotten done using the restroom and was washing my hands and started getting sick so rushed back into the stall. I sat on the end of the pew for church just in case....

We had pizza for lunch yesterday and hubby watched football while we all took naps. We got up and made dinner and hubby did bills last night while we watched America's Funniest Home Videos and Extreme Home Makeover (tissue alert!!).

See, I told you we are a fun bunch,LOL. We are itching to hit the geocaching "road" again but we're waiting till it's nice and cool to make sure the snakes are sleeping. I saw a thing on tv not too long ago about rattle snake bites and I'm just not looking to live through that experience! My kids are sooo attentive to their surroundings (sarcasm here) that I'm sure they'd never step on one....

Jen ºÜº


Lexie said...

I just love watching home makeover. I always cry...
Weird question... what does VBG stand for?

Blessings, mlpinky

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Jen - I found you without my bookmarks!!! LOL

YUCK - sorry about the bathroom experience at church.

I'm with you on caching. I decided our past few weeks were fool hardy - the calendar says FALL but 88* is still snake weather!!! ::snort::