
Nothing really interesting happening on our homefront.

We're trying to get Hannah's sewing project done for the contest, we have to turn it in by the 1st.

I've been able to keep up on the house a bit, only lacking in the laundry department. I can get it washed, but folded and put away is another story...

Today I had my OB apointment. Everything looks good. I guess it's still to early to "hear" the heartbeat so I didn't get to hear it today. I was able to get a prescription for albuterol as my asthma has been acting up the last week or so. I've been using Matt's nebulizer, but she prescribed an inhaler for me so I'm not stuck to the neb for 10mins every 4 hours.

One funny that I wanted to share. Hopefully it comes across as "funny" as it was in person. We've been having trouble with Jake hanging over the banister upstairs to look down. If he were to fall it would be a good 12-15 foot drop onto the ceramic tile below, very scary. He did it again the other night and me and hubby called him down to have a "serious" talk with him about just how dangerous it is and how he could die like our doggie Oscar and never see us again, etc..... Then Hannah pipes up and says, verbatum "Yeah, and you would die and go to hell because you're not saved yet." Me and hubby just kindof sat there stunned then started laughing. Nothing like a little "hellfire and brimstone" heh??? Little kids can be so tactful :)

Jen ºÜº


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

:::snort::: Get that girl on the evangelistic circuit.

Kids say the funniest things.

Me said...

Hey girly! My friend shared a site with me that I found very interesting! http://hillbillyhousewife.com/index.htm
Great recipee's and even a place to get by on a $45 a week budget for a family. They have some recipee's I am going to try (I will try on Mike first before I taste them myself! LOL)

BTW- tell Hannah way to go! We need to work on the communication skills before she can just be LET LOOSE with her gifts... LOL But as a sibling I know it takes some STRAIGHT talk to get them to understand the consequences of their actions - no painting of pretty pictures... so overall I am sure it was JUST what needed to be heard to get the point across!

Haven't seen ya for a few days. I have been taking a break from my computer at home and getting other things done so I haven't been on chat.
Hope all is well!