
I've been just too busy the last few days to update.

De'Etta to answer your tie-dying questions. Yes you rubberband them and them squirt/saturate the areas where you want the dye. You can probably google and get patterns for folding and twisting and such plus where to put the different colors to achieve a certain pattern. I think your kids could do it with supervision from you. Hannah (7 1/2) and Brandon (6) did their's all by themselves I helped Jacob (4 1/2) with his and did Matthew's (2 3/4) as he was not interested in it. What I would do is soak and wring out all the pieces in the soda ash solution, take them over to a tarp and have everyone lay them down, then I'd "help" each one in turn. It's not labor intensive but the dyes are definately permanant so you want to make sure they aren't getting "crazy" with them. Also, make sure you're all wearing clothes that won't matter if they get dye on them!

Jen ºÜº

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