Today I had to take Hannah to her piano lesson. I always enjoy visiting with my friend from church. After that we headed to the Kia dealership so that I could check on a part that I needed to fix one of the kids' windows in the back. One of my kids, who will remain nameless, decided one day that he wanted his window open. Instead of pushing the button to open it, he just pushed the window itself and some kindof nut thing popped off the outside of the window. I was worried that I was gonna have to pay for a whole new mechanical thing but ended up just being able to buy the nut and a washer for $1.50. I totally pulled a joke on hubby when he called earlier though. I told him that I took the van to get fixed. He asked how much it costed and I told him "One fifty." He of course thought I meant $150.00 and I could sense the tension in his voice. I'm trying of course to keep from giggling. He made peace with the cost as we would've had to pay for it sometime anyways. I then proceeded to tell him "One dollar and fifty cents." You could almost hear the "shewww" in his head. That totally made my day:) I did tell him though, that I wished he was home (from Ca) so that I could see that vein actually throbbing in his forehead, but had fun with it nonetheless:) I'm easily amused...
We stopped at Walmart tonight to get supplies to make our "pokey pine" (pinecone) Christmas trees. We bought some spray paint and some glitter and also some beads to glue on as "ornaments". I will post pics when we get done with those.
We got our stockings hung up yesterday, not sure if I posted that last night or not. The kids were walking around talking about "bean stalks" and I assumed they meant the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk, I really wasn't listening too closely. Turns out they were talking about their STOCKINGS and they thought they were called bean stalks for some reason...
Hubby called me earlier and asked what I thought about moving to San Diego. I guess he's in love with it there. I'm supposed to research on the internet tonight the cost of living, rent, etc. I always swore that I would NEVER live in California but for some reason I'm "O.K." with it right now. We'll see where this train goes....
She's decided that her new job isn't going to pay enough and is looking for another one. I just don't understand WHAT is going on with her. She even mentioned moving back to Washington since she's still in transition. With WHAT money?!?! That's going to fix WHAT??? She was over on Friday and hinting that she was needing to borrow money "just until her new job started". I just didn't say anything. She's not paid back any of the other money that people have lent her, she waited to look for a job even when she promised certain people that she would get one quickly to pay them back, she's not made steps to lower her standard of living so that she can survive and ultimately get ahead, she's waited until she's totally broke to even start looking for a job. Why would I want to lend her money that my husband, who works 60+ hours a week, works HARD for??? Besides, IF I WAS to lend her money, it would be our "Disneyland Christmas" money and that wouldn't be right to do to our kids. Right now I just want to SCREAM!!! I just don't understand! I don't know what to do or how to fix this situation. Do I need to just sit back and let God deal with her and let her pay the consequences for the choices she's making? I JUST DON'T KNOW!!! I do know that I'm so sick of drama. Right now I'm just wishing we were moving already. It was so much nicer to be "removed" from the situation and just be an ear to listen. Now, I'm in the middle of the situation and I'm really not happy about it, in fact, I'm extremely angry and resentful right now. I'm finding it really hard to deal with this correctly. If anyone has ANY advice for me, please throw some my way. I'm at my wit's end....
Hubby took Hannah and Jacob Christmas shopping. They hit some of the "all day" sales but didn't bother with the early morning thing. Hubby spoiled me and I got a ton of jar candles that were on sale buy 1 get 2 free.
After they got home, we headed to the mall to watch a movie. We ended up seeing Santa Clause 3. It was pretty good, well what I saw of it. I ended up falling asleep periodically.
We headed to the mall again. A different one. I was on a quest to get some maternity shirts with regular sleeves and that fit me better. I picked up 3 tshirts. I also was on the search for a bra but had no luck in that dept. I'm back to ordering off the internet for that.....
We also picked up the kids' Christmas Pj's at the Disney Outlet Store. They all got "Incredibles" jammies. We figured we'd go with a Disney theme this year since we're going to Disneyland for Christmas.
Saturday night we put up our tree, complete with our Lionel train set that Grampy bought for the kids last year. We bought a "Christmas 2006" car to go on it and thinking that we'll try to make that a yearly tradition. I'll post pics of it later.
After church we came home and took naps:) Hubby helped me get the laundry folded and I went to Walmart and picked up some travel-sized stuff for hubby's trip to San Diego this week. I also picked up mine and hubby's Christmas jammies (not Disney but color coordinated) as well as a "big boy" Bible for Jacob and Matthew. They've both been really responsible in remembering to bring their little Bibles, so I thought I'd reward that and encourage it by giving them "big boy" Bibles. You should have seen the smiles on their faces:) They've both been carrying them around all day and Jacob (4 yo) has been diligently trying to find John 3:16 in there.
Hubby left for Ca. this morning. I hate when he leaves. I start worrying about things that I never even think about otherwise. I kept myself up last night thinking that "if something happens to him, what would I do about this or what would I do about that?". "All the bills are paid, but how far ahead?". "What kindof job could I get to support 5 children?". Etc.....I'm fine now but that night before always keeps me up:) Today I've been trying to spring clean the house. Seems like I'm always doing that. With 4 littles I guess the house just always needs "deep cleaning". Oh, I repotted/planted my houseplants today! I've been trying to do that for over a month now. I got my ultrasound scheduled for December 11th. I'll be 18 weeks then so I'm hoping we can tell what the baby is! I might end up rescheduling for a week or two later. Well, that's it in my pretty boring life. Seems like everyone else's blogs are so interesting and mine seems so boring!
The baby's heartbeat yesterday was in the 140's. It's a boy, I'm sure of it now;) With Hannah her heartbeat was always in the 160's and each of the boys was slower and in the 140's most of the time. We'll see!
The turkey roaster thing that I bought the other night turned out to be an AMAZING little appliance. We had the juiciest most yummy turkey we've ever had and it cooked incredibly fast as well. I soaked the turkey the day before in some salt water in the sink, put minced garlic under the skin, brushed olive oil on the skin and then sprinkled season salt over the top. It cooked in the roaster on 350º for 1 1/2 hours (12 1/2 lbs) and came out beautifully:) The little booklet that came with the roaster said it would need approx. 2 1/2 hours to cook and I was suprised when I went to put some butter on it that it was done. I then cut it up and put it in a crockpot with some of the juices to keep it hot until we got to our friend's house and ate.
I've been able to stick with the menu thing this week so far. We actually had leftovers on Wednesday instead of a whole new meal but at least we didn't eat out:) I was hoping to have more leftovers from yesterday for tonight, but it looks like I'll be cooking something tonight.
Today I have an appointment with the OB. I'm excited because I'm supposed to hear the heartbeat today for the first time. I'm also excited as this means in 4 more weeks we have the *BIG* ultrasound and hopefully find out who's joining us in May. What a great Christmas present that will be huh?
Hubby just stopped by. He's on his way to a "jobsite" to take a turkey dinner to his employees working down there. Alot of them are from out of state and are away from their families right now and some just don't have families. After he gets done there he comes home so I can go to my appt. "in peace". I remember the days when he could come with me and share in all this pg "wonder". Now I find it more wonderful to actually be able to talk to the Dr. without being interrupted or telling someone to "don't touch that!". I WILL somehow arrange for him and at least Hannah to come the ultrasound next month.
A couple of comments left yesterday made me realize that I didn't include "how" I'm feeling. I'm sorry! I'm feeling GREAT! I've been slowly cleaning parts of the house this week in preparation for company coming at Christmas. Yesterday I totally cleaned and organized the pantry. I started on the laundry room but ran out of time, so I'll finish that today. I plan on getting all the dishes washed and all the extra clutter out of the kitchen. We have a pretty long counter that runs behind the sink and everyone has decided that that's the place to put something when you don't know what else to do with it. I'm putting a stop to that:) I've also got some baby things set aside in a corner by the kitchen table that I need to go through and pack away. Well, now I'm rambling. Let's just say I'm working on the odds'n'ends stuff that's been driving me crazy.
We got invited over to someone's house for Thanksgiving and we took them up on their offer. There will be 4 different families there (including ours). I'm still cooking up most of my menu to take over there. In fact, the only thing I'm not making are the mashed potatoes and gravy. Last night I bought this cool roasting pan/crockpot thing at Target that they had on sale. I figured it would fix our "only room in the oven for 1 turkey" problem as well as keep it warm while everything else is going on. The "men" are taking the kids on a small hike tomorrow while us women cook. Should be a good day:)
Tuesday: Stir Fry
Wednesday: De'etta's Beef Stroganoff and a green salad
Thursday: Turkey Day!
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Enchiladas and mexican rice
Sunday: Roasted chicken, roasted potatoes, and a veggie
Monday: De'Etta's Chicken Divan and a salad
Tuesday: Spaghetti and a veggie
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Taco soup and a salad
Friday: Eat out (picking hubby up from airport)
Wish me luck! Alot of these are new recipes for me and I'm also using some things that are new as well.

She did the skirt by herself and me and mom did the vest for her.
She won 4 yards of wool fabric and a sewing kit and giftbag FULL of stuff!
It was a great day. She's already dreaming about next year....we might be in Albuquerque by then, but she can dream for now.
We've been keeping up with school. Still have not made a decision about Brandon's curriculum but will soon. He's really motivated to learn to read now so I'm going to try and use that momentum...
I got my Thanksgiving menu done yesterday, actually the next two weeks' worth or meals, and then went grocery shopping last night. I'm going to attempt to make my own pies this year, should be interesting! De'Etta, I'm going to do your honey-pecan pie and I'm also going to do a chocolate pudding w/bananas and whipped cream pie for my mom and hubby. Here's what our Thanksgiving looks like this year:
Veggie plate,black olives,pickles,crackers, etc. w/ranch dip while dinner cooks
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Apple/raisin stuffing
Greenbean Supreme
Pistachio salad
Pecan pie
Chocolate/banana pudding pie
We're STILL mulling over baby names. My husband likes more modern names like McKenzie Reagann or McKenna Ryann, I like those but I just can't imagine calling my child one of those. I like the more old fashioned names like Hailey, Emilie, Abigail (Abbey), and Violette. The kids like Violette and Abbey. Violette actually seems to be taking the lead with the kids for some reason. If *I* was doing the naming myself I would pick Emilie as it's a "popular" name and all the rest of the kids have "popular" names. Oh, I also like Katie. Hubby thinks that we should name her Kathryn or something and call her Katie as it sounds too "kiddish". I countered that her name could be Katie and when she's older she can shorten it to Kate if she wants something more adult sounding. Oh, the drama of it all ;)
As for boys' names, the only one we can all agree on is Sean Alexander. Hubby is a little hesitant on the middle name as it makes it the name of a Seahawks running back or something, and hubby is a very big Seahawks fan. You'd think he'd be happy about that but he's already gotten teased about how "he got his wife to agree to that one" at work. This is a name we had picked out when we had Brandon 6 years ago, long before the famous Seahawk. Jake is still rooting for Jack "Hammer"....LOL
What are your opinions of our names, if you have any? Can you think of any new ones that you've just "always loved!". We're definately open to suggestions!
Jen ºÜº
I haven't heard from Mom, I should have called her today. She was supposed to have an interview with one of the accounting partners in the firm she interviewed with last week. I'm hoping it went well.
I forgot yesterday to share my BIG drama of last week, Friday night actually. I found my first GRAY hair! AHHHH!!! I was totally stunned. I guess I wasn't expecting it until I was at least 30. I guess I'll survive though. After I have the baby I can start dying my hair again...no big deal right??? How old were you when you got your first gray hair?
We got school done today with minimal fussiness. Brandon actually did his math without any meltdowns at all. He has a meltdown over everything, not just schoolwork, and I just kindof ignore it now and push forward. It was nice to not have to do that today, he did his math happily:)
I'm still pondering over what kindof curriculum to get for him to finish out the year. I started out thinking ACE, then moved onto AO Lifepacs, now I just researched Christian Light today. They all look good for one reason or another and I just can't decide. Hubby is also getting frustrated with my curriculum jumping and wants me to "Just pick something and stick with it!". That puts even more pressure on me to make the right decision. I'll mull it over more and probably order something by the weekend. I'd also like to get something for Jacob as he is getting upset that he doesn't have his own school (workbooks) to do like the others. He's not satisfied with the ones from Walmart anymore, he wants "real school". Ok, enough rambling!
Hubby's Regional VP was in town this week and it looks like hubby is back on his "good list". He had a long talk with hubby about his future career goals and it looks like we'll be moving to Albuquerque next October when they open that office. He also gave hubby his blessing to apply for a District Manager position elsewhere if one opens up that we'd like to take before then. This is a huge answer to prayer! We can see some light at the end of the tunnel, so-to-speak. We are so ready to settle down somewhere!!
Thursday night hubby took Brandon and Matthew to a hockey game. Jobing.com just bought naming rights to some arena/stadium here and gave out free tickets to their clients. The boys had a blast!
While they were at the game, Me, Mom, Hannah, and Jacob went on our own night out. We went out to dinner, watched Flicka, and got dessert afterwards. Flicka was a better movie than I thought it would be, but man-oh-man what a tear jerker! I had to leave before that Tim McGraw played during the credits....
Friday night our church was hosting a conference, Mom came over so me and hubby could attend. We got to catch up with one of our "old Pastors" from when we lived out at Luke AFB. It was so good to see him again. He really took hubby under his wing back then, and still considers him a son. Hubby never really had a good fatherly role model growing up, but God has brought so many wonderful men into his life to mentor him and help to close those gaps...
Yesterday we headed up to Fountain Hills again. They had their Arts and Crafts Festival this weekend and we planned on checking in our our geocache. We were all tired and hungry by the time we got done with the fair, so we opted not to climb the hill to the cache and go eat dinner instead. When we all got home last night we realized that everyone was SICK. That's why we were all so tired, so we stayed home from church today. My head hurt so bad last night that I was literally groaning in my sleep....I know because I kept waking myself up! Hubby made me breakfast in bed this morning and did some chores around here to help me get caught up. Such a wonderful guy my man:)
Jen ºÜº
Sunday after church, we headed to the mall to pick up Hannah's keyboard and stand so she can start practicing her "piano" lessons. We came home and I put my feet up for 1/2 an hour before getting Penny ready to leave for class. I REALLY did not want to go last night but dragged us there anyways. We worked on walking "hands free" with a leash tied around your waist. It was eventful to say the least. Penny is the youngest one in the class meaning the only puppy and all she wants to do is play with the others. She was pulling so much that the teacher had me get a "gently leader" muzzle type collar for her so she'd stop pulling so much. The teacher was worried about her hurting me since I'm pg. It worked right away! Now, I just really need to spend a good 1/2 hour or more with her every night on training. I've been doing training only a couple of nights a week and it's showing...I wish I hadn't taken those 4 weeks off for morning sickness, she was doing so good before!
Today, we're going to get our school done and continue to work on the house. Such an uphill battle to keep the house picked up and clean. We might venture out to the thrift store in search of jeans and church pants for the boys, we'll see.
Well, that's it!
Jen ºÜº
We've got a busy day tomorrow. Well, at least we have alot planned. Whether we get it all done is another story. So anyways, I better go to bed. Have a good weekend!
Jen ºÜº
Thanks Becky for letting me vent on you this morning and thanks De'Etta for your encouragement and wisdom. I am going to try and "choose" joy and not worry about the details of my life right now. If I stand back and look at the big picture, I have a GREAT life and God has blessed me so much. I sure don't deserve it, but He has, and I sure don't REALLY have anything to complain about, so I'm going to try not to.
On another note, I got the hankerin' to make our Christmas cards last night so I did. Went to Michael's and got some paper and found a cute (Becky close your eyes!) rubber stamp to use for the front. Now I just need to come up with something clever for the inside and accent the front with a "snow pen" that I ordered from Becky today:) I'm also going to do some kindof picture of the kids and maybe Penny too to include inside the cards. Not sure if I want to try and take a nice one at the park or something or just have them done at Sears. They are so much less distracted at a place like Sears than they are when mommy takes the picture...
We had a GREAT day today! Like I said yesterday, we had park day today. The park that we are going to is absolutely beautiful. It has a couple of ponds, complete with ducks and GREEN grass all around. That's a rare thing in these parts! The kids had fun running with the others for 2 hours. I had fun visiting with my friends too. God has really blessed us with a great church family here. I wish I had opened up and gotten more involved sooner....
After the park, Hannah had her first piano lesson. It was at the house of one of the homeschool families so she rode home with them. I drove the boys around for awhile, stopped and got them an ice cream cone at Mc D's and then they took a nap in the car. After awhile of driving in silence, *I* started to get sleepy too, so I headed to our friends' house to sit outside in the car and read. I decided to start reading Shepherding a Child's Heart again. I'm only in the second chapter and will try to set aside time to read it through. I really want to adjust my parenting style but it just seems so overwhelming! I'm also going to be printing out De'Etta's Bible study notes on discipline/spanking and be studying that as well. Again, it's all overwhelming...we'll see how far I get.
Jen ºÜº
We have our first park day today with our church's homeschool group. I ended up dropping the Sonlight group we were with. I just couldn't handle all of the lack of planning or leadership.
Ok, better go since I've gotta get ready to go:)
Jen ºÜº
My biggest concern right now is my mom (again!). She's still not found a job yet, just applied to about 4 places last week but has heard nothing. Her rent is due today and she has no money to pay for it. I don't have the money to pay her rent and even if I did, I know my husband wouldn't do it. Both me and grandma feel like we need to take care of her but at the same time it's not like she's "down on her luck" and needs a helping hand. She's almost deliberately done this to herself, and I think that the fact that she keeps getting bailed out of her money problems is the reason why she's continuing to make poor choices. She's had no REAL reason to find a job, someone's bailed her out one way or another all year. So, that's where I'm at. Stuck because I WANT to help, but know that if I do, it will only prolong the situation, not fix it....
I've also been so bummed about my weight. I know it's MY fault but I just feel like I'm a big fat failure right now. I'm back at 185, right where I was a year ago. I know, I know, I'm also 3 months pregnant, but that really seems to be no excuse now a days. Everywhere I look, I see pg women who are still skinny and have just the slightest bump in front at 4 months. Here I am, looking like I'm 5 months along already. I know I need to start getting some kindof excercise, but it just seems like I can barely get school and housework done, how do I find the 2 hours it takes to pile everyone in the car and go excercise??? Maybe it would give me more energy to keep up with everything better, but when you're in survival mode, that's a big "maybe".
Hannah got her skirt finished yesterday for that wool contest. Wow, talk about an excercise in patience for ME! It's so hard for me to stand by and not be able to "help" her. Well, I did help her some, but I think I stayed within the rules. The instructor (me) is not supposed to help make the garment the child is working on and the child is supposed to do all the work. The only "touching" I did was to demonstrate how to do something, then I let go and let her do all the work herself. She did a great job for a 7 1/2 year old. I forgot to take pics of it but will take some at the luncheon where it will be judged and modeled by her.
Last night we had AWANA. It was nice to not have to "invent" a reason to leave the house and avoid the trick-or-treaters. It also gave my kids something to do so that they didn't feel left out. I was thinking yesterday though, why DO I have to find something for my kids to do so that they don't feel left out of something I truly believe is satanic. I think that by making sure my kids have something to do instead of halloween, sends them the message that they ARE missing out on something, and they will always "secretly wish" they were doing it too. It should be a lesson for them that the "world" does things that are sinful, we are NOT to join them in their sin, period. Not sure if I'm making sense here or not, but I am in my mind:)
Jen ºÜº