
Our weekend was pretty typical. We lazed around most of Saturday but did get some chores done around the house. Hubby got the front yard mowed and edged. We did our "Walmart" shopping, this is a huge bi-weekly event for us. Went out to eat at Denny's since kids eat "free" on Saturday nights.

Sunday after church, we headed to the mall to pick up Hannah's keyboard and stand so she can start practicing her "piano" lessons. We came home and I put my feet up for 1/2 an hour before getting Penny ready to leave for class. I REALLY did not want to go last night but dragged us there anyways. We worked on walking "hands free" with a leash tied around your waist. It was eventful to say the least. Penny is the youngest one in the class meaning the only puppy and all she wants to do is play with the others. She was pulling so much that the teacher had me get a "gently leader" muzzle type collar for her so she'd stop pulling so much. The teacher was worried about her hurting me since I'm pg. It worked right away! Now, I just really need to spend a good 1/2 hour or more with her every night on training. I've been doing training only a couple of nights a week and it's showing...I wish I hadn't taken those 4 weeks off for morning sickness, she was doing so good before!

Today, we're going to get our school done and continue to work on the house. Such an uphill battle to keep the house picked up and clean. We might venture out to the thrift store in search of jeans and church pants for the boys, we'll see.

Well, that's it!

Jen ºÜº

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Jen, I love your photos across the top of your blog! It looks great!
