
Ok, I've snapped outta my "funk" again. Well at least temporarily...

Thanks Becky for letting me vent on you this morning and thanks De'Etta for your encouragement and wisdom. I am going to try and "choose" joy and not worry about the details of my life right now. If I stand back and look at the big picture, I have a GREAT life and God has blessed me so much. I sure don't deserve it, but He has, and I sure don't REALLY have anything to complain about, so I'm going to try not to.

On another note, I got the hankerin' to make our Christmas cards last night so I did. Went to Michael's and got some paper and found a cute (Becky close your eyes!) rubber stamp to use for the front. Now I just need to come up with something clever for the inside and accent the front with a "snow pen" that I ordered from Becky today:) I'm also going to do some kindof picture of the kids and maybe Penny too to include inside the cards. Not sure if I want to try and take a nice one at the park or something or just have them done at Sears. They are so much less distracted at a place like Sears than they are when mommy takes the picture...

We had a GREAT day today! Like I said yesterday, we had park day today. The park that we are going to is absolutely beautiful. It has a couple of ponds, complete with ducks and GREEN grass all around. That's a rare thing in these parts! The kids had fun running with the others for 2 hours. I had fun visiting with my friends too. God has really blessed us with a great church family here. I wish I had opened up and gotten more involved sooner....

After the park, Hannah had her first piano lesson. It was at the house of one of the homeschool families so she rode home with them. I drove the boys around for awhile, stopped and got them an ice cream cone at Mc D's and then they took a nap in the car. After awhile of driving in silence, *I* started to get sleepy too, so I headed to our friends' house to sit outside in the car and read. I decided to start reading Shepherding a Child's Heart again. I'm only in the second chapter and will try to set aside time to read it through. I really want to adjust my parenting style but it just seems so overwhelming! I'm also going to be printing out De'Etta's Bible study notes on discipline/spanking and be studying that as well. Again, it's all overwhelming...we'll see how far I get.

Jen ºÜº

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

So glad you are feeling a bit better. You hang in there...or better yet...as I've begun to think...you trust in HIM hanging on to you. LOL
