
Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of days. I was so sick yesterday and the day before. I'm feeling pretty good today so I'm hoping that I'm on the upswing :)

Thanks for praying for me/us Becky. I really am going to stand by my previous decision and not "do anything". Really, there's nothing I can do to help Mom. Grandma wants me call Social Sevices and find out what programs they have for when/if Mom goes homeless. She wants me to track down a mental health Dr. and get her on some new meds. The list goes on and on and none of that is going to help my Mom. Bottom line right now, my mom is an alcoholic, only she doesn't drink alcohol.......she sleeps. She even jokes every once in awhile about "needing a drink" because her life is so rough right now. There is nothing bad in her life right now, only the consequences of some of her decisions, which she thinks is happening to her. Only God can fix her heart, all of that other stuff is just a bandaid. All I can do is stand by and be there for her and pray for her daily that she would allow God to work in her heart. I'm not trying to gossip here, just sharing some specifics so you all know how to pray if you're so inclined.

On another "depressing" note, I read a blog today about a baby that was born at 23 weeks. She just died last night from starvation and lack of blood transfusions. The hospital decided that IF she survived, that she wouldn't be quality enough to spend the resources/money on to get there. On Sept. 11th they decided to stop giving her her food and any further blood transfusions. Also, they called all of the areas hospitals and convinced them that the baby was "not worth saving" so they couldn't find a hospital willing to take the baby for further treatment. It's really sad, the things that go on in this day and age. I know I sound like an old fogey but it's true. The baby's name is Emmie-Rose by the way, so Becky I think I'm going the Emmie-Rose route with my girls' name, kindof in tribute, but also to remind me daily of how blessed I am with a "live baby girl" if I should so be blessed with one :)

Well, that's all folks! I've gotta get some housework done before hubby gets home. It looks like my house has thrown up! It's having sympathy sickness' for me...VBG

Jen ºÜº

1 comment:

Lexie said...

I read this post too and it is so sad. How dare doctors decide how should get treatment or not, or who is worth saving!!

I pray that this morning sickness goes away for you soon. I always laugh at the term "morning" sickness, because it never just happened to me in the morning.

Wish I could come over and help ya clean. Nothing worse than cleaning a house when you don't feel well.

Prayers, Mlpinky