
First thing's first, now that we're having #5 I've had to set any new accounts with a different password than I usually use which is: momto4
I've used that one for over 3 years now and it's hard to not just start typing the old one out of habit. I'm not sharing my new one, but I will say that it's NOT momto5.......LOL. Chose something totally different:)

Tonight is Penny's graduation from Puppy Training at Petsmart! The teacher will have a grduation cap and everything so we can take pictures. Will upload pics when I get the chance. I'm hoping that hubby will let us continue on with our training, she does so good but still has a bit to go to be a "calm" dog. I guess part of it is that she's still a puppy but it would be nice to take her geocaching with us and not have to worry about how she'll behave too much. BTW, the weather will be "geocaching weather" soon! We're getting excited. I think the last cache we did was in March when we went over to El Paso to visit my Gram and Gramps.

I'm feeling better again today! Still a little sick, but definately doable with our crazy life. Last week and the first part of this week, I was basically in survival mode. My hubby's so great though, and helped pick up some of my slack. Now, I just got to finish getting caught up on the house! Mlpinky, thanks for offering to come over if you lived closer to me, that was so sweet! I can handle it, it'll just take a few days:)

I am feeling a little guilty right now. I had about an 1/8 or a 1/4 of a diet soda with lunch just now. I'm one that "has" to have something sweet to drink with something salty to eat. Anyways, I just looked at my blog and the little developement thingy says that our baby's brain will begin to grow dramatically today. I hope I did not do permanant damage. :( I'm sure the baby's fine but still, I shouldn't be doing stuff like that, I KNOW better!

I informed hubby last night that our baby was starting to get arms and legs....he just looked at me like I'm nuts. I guess he's not as excited about those things than I am.

Oh, another thing I was thinking about last night about baby Emmie-Rose that died from lack of care. You know it is easy to get upset at the hospital and the Dr's and all but you know what? God is/was still in control of the situation! He could have worked in the hearts of those Dr's or provided another hospital to care for her. Not excusing the decision that the hospital made, because I still think it's wrong to deny care to someone who's still alive, but God could have intervened and saved her if it was His will......just something to think about.

Ok, off to shower, make dinner, and get ready for class tonight!

Jen ºÜº

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hi Jen,

I've been crazy/busy and haven't been blog visiting. So I just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing. Yea for Penny lol.... It's the little thing.

I am excited that your baby is getting arms and legs :) I'll have to live vicariously through you since I won't be having more babies and it BETTER be quite a few years before I have grand babies. Of course, if Jordan is the same age I was when he was born, I have 5 years YIKES!

OK...I better go now...that made me feel old lol....

~Kelly in OH