
Almerry wins question 2! I'm not sure what your prize will be yet, I've not had the time to make the ornaments that I wanted to, but I'll find something good! I promise I won't temp you with a carb-a-licious anything...

As for the next contests, I'm going to combine them into one last drawing. I've gotten overwhelmed with moving and "life" in general. We're moving at the end of the month by the way. I'll post the next 3 questions with their answers. You just read them, chalk them up as useless trivia, then click below and leave a comment so I can enter you in the drawing. How's that for easy!? I'll have a giftcard of some sort to make it easy on myself as well.

I'll post the 3 questions tonight sometime. This one will close on Friday night at Midnight MST.

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