
Our weekend was pretty lazy.

Saturday we went up to Mesa. I wanted to go into a yarn store and see what all's out there. Ooh, I'm hooked. No pun intended there, but I've found I really like crocheting. I've always thought it quite the granny craft but there are so many really pretty, modern yarns out there and so many modern patterns that it's actually quite cool. I'd LOVE to get a spinning wheel some day and dye and spin my own yarn...

Sunday we had a fellowship after morning service. I brought spaghetti in a crockpot and an asian salad. Sunday night me and hubby stayed up after the kids went to bed and played Super Mario 3. We're such nerds. We tried hard to beat the game but ended up quitting at level 8 when we just got too tired at 2 am. ::blush::

Yesterday, was another lazy day. We got all the laundry caught up but that's about it. We grilled steaks for dinner. I started reading Pride and Prejudice. I decided once again that I just can't read most of the fiction out there. No more Jane Green, I've decided to tackle the classics.

Hailey had her 4-month well-baby check today. She's healthy:) That girl, can you believe it is OFF the charts in height! She's like 115% if there was such a thing. She was 50% in weight and 25% for her head I believe. She got her shots today so she's gonna feel crummy for a couple of days. Doc said not to start her on solids for at least another 2 months. She's growing plenty with just the breastmilk, no need to supplement with solids at this point.

That's all folks!

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