
Oh, I forgot I've got some great news on the school-front. Jake is READING!!! Brandon (7 yo) just really started catching on 2 weeks ago, and is doing quite well, but Jake (5 yo) floored me yesterday when he started reading the words in his book all by himself. I looked at hubby with wide eyes and mouthed "He's READING!". He looked at me and winked back. Very cool! I didn't even think the kid was listening to a thing I was saying....

Yes, I was one of those mean homschooling moms that made their kids do schoolwork on a holiday....


Me said...

WOW! YEAH JAKE! It's not popular to be MEAN MOM but it's GOOD to be MEAN MOM on some things... they don't realize the value of their education!

Hanley Family said...

Congratulations to the little tyke! It is amazing how much they learn while you think they aren't listening!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Congrats to the boys! and Mom!