
Today was a normal day at church. I learned though that my "secret prayer sister's" husband is feeling really bad from his radiation treatments. They stayed home, but we got to meet thier son and his wife along with their little 2 year old who are in town. My heart is aching for my secret sis. I had Michael run me by the Bible bookstore after church so I could pick up a card to send her and hopefully lift her spirit knowing that I'm praying for her. I also found a neat little pocket poem with a lapel pin attached specifically for "secret prayer sister's". Here's the poem...

"God Made Secret Friends"

It isn't secret to God why you're so special, and
though I can't tell you who I am, God knows.
You're in my thoughts. You're in my prayers.
You're in my heart, and in His also. May your
day be brighter and your load lighter today,
just knowing God and your secret friend both care.

Hopefully it'll bring a smile to her face during this difficult time. Almerry, remember my secret sis is Mrs. Brady...

Came home and took a very short nap. Then printed off my flyers to hand out at the business park where hubby's office is. Headed to the office to clean it. I was making good time and was on pace to finish in 2 hours instead of 3, but goofball me, I locked myself out of the office when I took out the trash. The door locks itself when you go out and I of course had the front door locked with my keys and cell phone sitting on the front counter. I had to walk 2 blocks down to the La Quinta to borrow the phone to call hubby. He had a co-worker who lived close by come and unlock it for me. I kept apologizing but he seemed to not be bothered too much by it. He actually said that everyone in the office does the same thing from time-to-time. Anyways, it ended up taking me 4 1/2 hrs from the time I started until I got done.

Got home and just checked my email and I have a lady who wants me to clean her house tomorrow or Tuesday as a "move out". I just now got her email so I'm hoping she hasn't found anyone else yet and that she'll hire me. I'm also expecting a call in the morning from a man who contacted me on Friday. I'm REALLY hoping he hires me to do their regular office cleaning. It's not too far from hubby's work so I think that would work out great. I'm getting alot of response from craigslist.com! I posted an ad on Wed, Thur, and Fri and have received 5 responses. Not bad heh? Now, I'm a little worried about advertising too much and not having enough time. I mean what am I supposed to tell someone if I can't do their job?

Ok, enough rambling. Got an early morning and FULL day tomorrow so I better go. Now that I'm a working girl, I can't be a night owl anymore. I'm so physically exhausted!

Oh, almost forgot. Tomorrow is weigh-in. I'm hoping to be 177. Last monday I was 184, but I weighed myself yesterday and I was down to 178, hoping that all my hard work tonight bumped me down another pound. And I was stressing because we couldn't afford a gym membership, all I had to do was start a cleaning company to get my workout! LOL


Me said...

Don't take on more than you can handle... and if you have someone you have to turn down you can polietly say that all your appointments are filled at this time but would like to keep them in mind if there are any changes. If it's a PERMANENT job - you can say (if you only have appointments that are a ONE TIME thing) "I can start on ____ after all the other ones finish" - need something to say just call and ask me! LOL

Okay - I got back from camping and am ready to start the program - on course and focused!

I will also add your secret sis to my prayers - just let me know how things progress!

Catching up on your blog and trying to get BACK into life!

Great job on all the leads for your business!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Cleaning company - I think I should have begun back in June when I went on our trip.