
I've been toying with the idea of becoming a photographer. Been thinking about it for a couple of weeks now. Anyways, I was playing around with our cheap little digital for a few minutes before we had to leave for church tonight.

Came out blurry but didn't have time to mess with settings. I wish it was clearer because I really loved the "shot".

I love how this one came out. It looks great in B/W as well.

I've been wanting an "old fashioned bootie" shot since before she was born. I really love this one as well. Can't wait to scrapbook it! (These are not the booties I crocheted...those ended up too small for her, but I picked these up for less than $3 at Sears on clearance!)
So what do you all think? Should I pursue this crazy idea a little more? Maybe I could actually be GOOD with a better camera and if I actually KNEW what I was doing??? LOL

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