
Yesterday I thought my water had broken. I didn't have any fluid leaking though but contractions started about 3 hours later. I had contractions from about 3 pm to at least 9:30pm when I went to sleep hoping they'd go away. I guess they did but this morning when I got up I had a horrible cramping type pain that lasted the first minute or two. I've had some contractions off and on today but nothing really timable. Goodness, not sure if I should worry or not. I told hubby that if I was still having painful braxton hicks tomorrow (Sunday) that I'd call the Doc on Monday and try and get in to be checked for dialation etc. I'll be 35 weeks on Monday so I'm not too scared about her coming soon, I'm just not quite prepared yet. Please pray that this is "nothing" or my imagination and that she'll stay cooking a little longer. I've got all the stuff ready for my bag to take to the hospital though. The only stuff not in there is the everyday use stuff (toothbrush, hairdryer, etc).

Speaking of "her", we've FINALLY, OFFICIALLY come up with THE name. I'm gonna keep EVERYONE in suspense though:) I don't want anyone swaying our decision again...I will give you all one little hint though (Dad and Michelle!). She will have the same initials as Hannah.

The kids got a box from their Grammy today for Easter. We're not doing baskets or anything for the kids this year. I think last year all we did was get them each a chocolate "cross" from Walmart. They are like a chocolate bunny, only shaped like a cross. I've been trying to phase out the "Easter" basket for a couple of years now. I really want my kids to focus more on Jesus than all that candy.

I got Mt. Laundry folded today! Now I've got to sort through some of it tomorrow as the kids put it away. Hubby got some stuff moved out of Matt's room so hopefully tomorrow I can get him to put Matt's dresser in there so I can get his clothes in there. Tomorrow I'll also be working on getting my room cleaned and finish rearranging things.

I've been reading "Created to be His Helpmeet" by Debi Pearl. Interesting read so far. I'll save my comments, if I can organize them enough to verbalize them here, for when I'm done with the book.

That's all I can think of! Hope everyone is doing good:)

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