
Sorry to keep you all in suspense if I did. I've not had anymore contractions, well other than Braxton Hicks. I think I've stressed my poor hubby out. I guess I'll keep my mouth shut and just annouce "It's time!" when we need to head to the hospital. I've never had so many "false labor" episodes before and I guess it's gotten me on edge because I'm figuring my labor will go fast this time. My labor with the last one was not painful until I hit transition (7-10 cms) so I'm worried about not knowing that I'm in "real labor" until transition hits and I'm in a rush to get to the hospital. I mean Saturday I was having timeable ctx for at least 6 hours, how could you NOT think that that's real? Anyways, I'm taking it easy. Getting done only the necessary things and trying to make sure things are as "ready" as I can. Thanks for the prayers.

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