
Becky tagged me. Not sure I can do all 5 but I'll try.

My 5 obsessions:

#1 I too, have a routine when I shower. I won't give the order or anything but I just can't seem to stray from my usual routine or I too, forget to do something like wash my hair.

#2 I love crafts and get totally obsessed with my current "craft" or project. Finishing them is another story...

#3 If I'm gonna clean something, I'm gonna CLEAN it, I can't do it halfway. When I clean the kitchen for example, I move the microwave and wipe underneath, and clean the stove, etc...

#4 I HAVE to have my towels folded a certain way. I attribute this quirk to my 6 years at K-Mart where I literally folded thousands of towels during my career there.

#5 If I'm gonna set the alarm clock, it HAS to be an even time (6:15, 6:30, etc). I know other people (won't name names) who can set it for say 6:18 and be fine with that. Drives me CRAZY!

I can't really tag anyone so I guess this stops here. If you visit and decided to do this for yourself, comment and let me know so I can visit and see:)

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