
Tonight I headed out after dinner to get Matty some pullups. He still needs them for nightime. I also had to get me some tylenol. I had a headache all day but was out of tylenol.

Got home and discovered that our fridge is not working. The motor come on but not the compressor and it's definately not cold. Soooo, I packed up all the important freezer stuff and brought it over to Mom's to put in her freezer till we get our fixed or whatever. I ended up visiting with mom for a couple of hours. I hadn't seen her for a week and a half so we were due for a chat. After that I headed to the gas station to pick up some ice to hopefully keep our milk cold enough for the kids to use tomorrow for breakfast and keep the mayonaise from spoiling.

I'm going to try cleaning the coils on the back of the fridge tomorrow but I have a feeling that the compressor's gone. Not sure if it's worth fixing or we should just get a new fridge. I think this fridge is about 6-7 years old.

1 comment:

Me said...

We got our fridge off of Freecycle and it's over 20 years old! Nothing beats free (well if you calculate the cost of Uhaul it's not free!)
How is your mom's job? You can always email me if you would rather not blog.
Oh! If you design your baby announcements I will make them for you! It will be my shower gift to you since I haven't ever been to one and can't make it to the next!
That's all for now!