
Just doing a quick update. Really nothing interesting going on.

The contractions have slowed up for now. I am however getting *BIG* very quickly. I'll try and post a pic of my "baby bump" in the next couple of days. I have my 32 week appt tomorrow. I've not gained any weight since the last one but my stomach has grown so baby is doing well. I don't think she's turned yet and I'm getting a little nervous about that, usually mine have turned by now. A plus with that though is that her head is sitting smack dab in the middle top of my tummy so she's not put alot of pressure on my lungs. I'm able to breath pretty comfortably. She's also not kicking me in the ribs and I don't have her big 'ole head resting on my bladder. Still, I'd like to not have a c-section or difficult delivery so I'm hoping she turns soon. Some of the ladies at church are getting anxious. They all thought on Sunday that I only had 2-3 weeks left, they were shocked when I said I still have 8 weeks. Hopefully it continues to go by fast! It's almost April....

Mom came over Sunday and helped up get some yardwork done. We're gonna try and knock out the rest of it this next weekend as we're supposed to have a storm front come in and cool us back down to the 70's. It was 100F this last weekend! I think today it was 89F. Crazy huh?

Well, that's it:)

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