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I'm REALLY homesick right now. The movers didn't come on Sunday and they won't be here until tomorrow (we hope!!). It is FREEZING here. The cold is not doing my bronchitis any good. I got the stomach bug last night and I'm feeling horrible. Hailey is a "bucket of crabs" and our dog has gone off the deep end. This is so not a fun way to spend your birthday! I've not been grouchy per se', but I feel horrible and don't want to be bothered. Kinda' hard when you have a baby who is unhappy with everything. We'll survive. Things have been and could be worse:) Please pray for my health though. I've had bronchitis for 2 1/2 weeks and now a stomach bug. I'm so sick of being sick! Hailey and Matthew have the bronchitis still but I think the stomach bug has gone through everyone now. Please pray that these movers will indeed come tomorrow. We were told that they were but they also said that by law they were only required to deliver within 3-21 days of the date you put on the paperwork for delivery. Of course they don't tell you that when they're picking up your stuff! Michael flys out on Wednesday for Vegas and he needs his work clothes and I really need HIM. He's been so great about all of this. Bless his heart! He's washing clothes right now because Hailey threw up on my from coughing so hard from the cold air....
It's not OFFICIALLY your birthday until tomorrow so no POUTING until then! :-)
Things will work out, they always do! May not be on YOUR time frame but God has it all under control.....
Have a great day before your birthday! See you in the NEW YEAR!
Oh, bless you, Jen, you poor thing. I've been thinking about you, and I'm praying for you now.
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