Wow, everyone's been really quiet in the blog-world! I thought I'd do a small entry to jump-start us all back?! Michael has been working up in Vegas the last week and a half. He'll probably be there through November, maybe longer. He comes home on the weekends so it's not TOO bad but still....
He also applied for a position in Albuquerque last week! We should know if anything comes of it this week, probably tomorrow. We're at peace one way or another but I am a little impatient that it takes so long to find these things out. Internally I'm saying to myself, "I need to be looking for houses!" "I need to start purging and packing and cleaning!" I'm trying to be calm about it though....
Hailey had her 6 month checkup this afternoon. Can you believe she's already 6 months old!? Well, anyways she looks good except she's on the small side. I'm going to push babyfood a little more. She's really not fond of any food except graham crackers. Oh, and some cheerios that she had at our friends' house last week. She's gonna be really miserable tonight and tomorrow. She got 5 shots today, argh....

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