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Ok, in trying to figure out WHAT kind of contest to do, I decided to pull out the cards from our favorite board game Cranium, to see if there were any interesting ones. Basically just to see if any jumped out at me...I'll be doing 5 seperate contests, consisting of 1 trivia question each, up until Christmas. I found 5 trivia questions that I believe EVERYONE just NEEDS to know in their lifetime. Who knows, some just might save your life one day! Ok, just kidding but you never know.....The rules are pretty simple. Just answer the question in my comments. You don't have to have a blog to enter. The official answer to the question will come from the Cranium card that I have in my hand. If you find a differing answer on the internet, I apologize! I'm going off the answer that I've got. I'll have the contest open for 3 days each and will draw a name on Midnight of the 3rd day from the entries with the correct answer. Simple enough!?Ok, here goes. #1) If you were lost in the Sonoran Desert (we live here!), the chewed pulp of the saguaro cactus would be an excellent source of water.
TRUE or FALSE?This contest will end on Tuesday 11/27 at Midnight MST.
ummmm....true? i guessed!
I wanna win the bossy Mary Engelbreit stuff (the one with the blonde girl, holding a clip board, bossy face in full force and hand on her hip! - isn't that me!)
So I wanna win!
Don't eat the Saguaro!
Barrel cactuses (cacti?) are much yummier (and won't poison you)!
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