
Monday Pics

Brandon doing his schoolwork...

Hailey doing pushups. She's trying to crawl....

What was that bright light???

Matt and Hailey playing cars...

Hit his head on the coffee table...

I was showering and Hannah gave Hailey a graham cracker. They get a kick out of her making faces while trying new flavors. I guess they decided to take a picture, I found it when I was uploading the others...

Other happenings today include...housework, always fun. Schoolwork, we got it all done! Office cleaning at hubby's office tonight. I planned on sewing tonight but am just too tired. Me and Hub stayed up late talking.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Love the pushup photo! They're all cute.

Kristine said...

Great pics, Jen! Those huge blue eyes are beautiful!