Ok, it's been a long week. Last week was spent working on our Bill of Rights project for the homeschool group meeting on Thursday. It turned out good and I have pics but I haven't had a chance to post them yet.
Friday I woke up with food-poisoning from a burger from BK. I know that's what it was cuz I've had food-poisoning two other times from hamburger. I was soooooo sick though. I woke up and was immediately sick, called hubby to bring me home some Gatorade so I wouldn't get dehydrated. He was able to come home and work from home the rest of the day which was a lifesaver! I keep telling myself that I'll never eat hamburger again. I buy ground turkey for cooking at home but still eat hamburgers from restaurants, I need to STOP!
Saturday I still wasn't feeling very well but I had an office to clean. Mom came over to watch the kids as Michael was down in Tucson teaching an OSHA class. I got most of the office done, just had sweeping/mopping left but started to get dizzy/lightheaded while sweeping so I asked if I could come back on Monday. They said sure, so I've gotta do that tomorrow while Michael takes a looonnnggg lunch. Oh the joys of owning your own business. It will be nice when we don't have to depend on my income again:)
Sunday, today, I still wasn't feeling very well and Michael wasn't feeling too great so we stayed home from church in case it was some "bug". It wasn't. We're both feeling alot better tonight. Maybe we just needed to REST on the Sabbath LOL. Doesn't it always feel like Sundays are one of the most hectic days instead of a "day of rest"??? It is for us at least....
Well, I'll try and post pics tomorrow! Goodnight!
"Mom, I have my name in my ear..."
What do you think that could possible mean? Almerry, remember those "name" bracelets the kids made in Cubbies last week? Matt's came apart and he put a bead in each of his ears. I tried to get them out but they were way to far down there, I didn't want to hurt his ear drum so off to urgent care we went tonight. They of course thought it hilarious. It is actually funny:) Anyways, they used a water pic type thing to flush them out. I don't think he'll be doing that again anytime soon!
Upcoming Baptism!
The only interesting thing that happened today was that Brandon finally made the decision to follow the Lord in believer's baptism! He's been pondering and we've been explaining it off and on for about 6 months now. We told him to come to us when he felt the need to do it in obedience to God. Today was the day:) After morning service he was thoroughly interrogated (I mean questioned!) by the deacons to make sure he understood what it meant and that is doesn't get him saved or into Heaven etc...He'll give his testimony to the church next week and if they vote him into membership, he'll be baptized the following Sunday. Ahh, it did my mama-heart proud today.....
Women's Conference
Most of today was spent at the women's conference. I am SO glad that I decided to go. There was so much that I needed to hear. So much that I was convicted about. So much that I need to work on...
Michael stayed home with all the kids, even the baby. I'm going to publicly give him "props" for keeping his cool today. Hailey is not only crabby because she is teething but she absolutely refused to take a bottle from him today. She only drank about 2 oz the whole 9 hours I was gone. I feel SOOOO incredibly horrible. I really deserve a "bad mommy" award for that one. I honestly didn't think it would be a big deal though. She's taken bottles before, not often but she's taken them from other people when I wasn't around. I still feel horrible though. She wasn't too bad off when I did get home. She did nurse longer than usual and has nursed for every 2 hours since I've been home. I think all's well. I really think that God wanted me there to hear some things that were said. I usually don't get a chance to go to these things but I really felt God pushing me to go this time. Now, to put it into practice. That's the HARD part!
Michael stayed home with all the kids, even the baby. I'm going to publicly give him "props" for keeping his cool today. Hailey is not only crabby because she is teething but she absolutely refused to take a bottle from him today. She only drank about 2 oz the whole 9 hours I was gone. I feel SOOOO incredibly horrible. I really deserve a "bad mommy" award for that one. I honestly didn't think it would be a big deal though. She's taken bottles before, not often but she's taken them from other people when I wasn't around. I still feel horrible though. She wasn't too bad off when I did get home. She did nurse longer than usual and has nursed for every 2 hours since I've been home. I think all's well. I really think that God wanted me there to hear some things that were said. I usually don't get a chance to go to these things but I really felt God pushing me to go this time. Now, to put it into practice. That's the HARD part!
Fun-filled Day
"Control in Relationships"
Here are some notes from the conference that I went to today entitled "The Illusion of Control". The speaker was Sue McLain. I'm posting them here so I have them in case I lose the paper copies (or my kiddles color on them!). Also, thought someone else might benefit from this study. This is actually the first workshop that we did today. I'll be posting the others in the days ahead.
The view of the world for women today seems to be: "Take control of your life." "Be your own person." Be independent!" "You have the right to choose." Even as Christian women we can become affected by this philosophy. We live in a world that is permeated by it and we sometimes buy into it without thinking it through.Or perhaps for some of us we grew up in an environment with these ideas, have learned them in our youth, and now practice them as adults. However when we look at God's Word and see His pattern for our lives, the world's philosophy can only cause confusion on how we should view control.
I. Reasons why we have the need to control.
A. Because of fear (1 John 4:18)
1. Few of feeling "out of control"-If you don't have control, you feel vulnerable
2. Fear of making mistakes in front of others-If everything isn't ok, you could be blamed.
B. Our desire for security (Proverbs 3: 5-6)
1. Control of myself: "When I feel like I have control over every aspect of my life the I feel secure."
2. Control of others: "When I have control of others and they are meeting my expectations, then I feel secure."
3. Control of God: "If God is doing everything that I ask Him to, then I feel secure."
C. The need for fulfillment (Joshua 1:8-9)
1. Selfish motives in you life to feel good. "So discontent that you keep looking for THINGS to make you feel good."
2. Your desires have been met because of your controlling power.
3. You want people to love you so you'll make them do it.
D. Because we are angry (James 1:19-20)
1. Anger can be a tool of control: Anger gives me the ability to completely control a situation or relationship. Anger can be both openly shown or silent.
2. Anger can be a cause for control: Most often anger comes from a deeper problem and is misdirected in our relationships.
E. We carry a burden of responsibility
1. Feeling like you have to "do it all" because nobody else will.
2. The need to hold everything and everyone "together".
II. Ways we control others.
A. Direct: Outward action or reaction to the person we want to control.
1. Being the "boss" (the person who runs the organization-the marriage-the family)
2. Mothering (or "Smothering"....)
3. Nagging (to constantly find fault....)
4. Intimidating (to make the other timid)
B. Indirect: using behavior as a tool against others in order to control.
1. Manipulation (tears, comments, facial expressions, words....)
2. Martyr Syndrome (I have to do so much, look at the sacrifices that I make....this is pride)
3. Behavior Problems
a. Perfectionist (If I insist on perfection or nothing.....I'll always get nothing)
C. Spiritual controller: Manipulating others by using spiritual terminology and means to make others do what you want them to do.
1. "Using" God (Job 38:1-2)
2. Fear tactics (discipline in anger)
3. Passing judgment (Romans 14: ?)
III. What happens to our relationships when we try to control them?
A. Control will deteriorate them. ("different" isn't always WRONG)
B. Control will influence others negatively. (Who is watching or listening? Who is becoming
more like you? Everything you do or say affects everyone around you.)
C. Control draws us farther away from God because we think and live like we don't need Him.
(Joshua 1:8)(Practice His presence....)
D. Control leads to critical judgementalism.
E. Control will eventually end in a big crash of guilt and shame. (Psalm 142:7)
(Some of us are carrying heavy baggage, "control" won't hold you together forever...)
IV. Overcoming the control problem
A. Admit the problem and turn it over to God. (Have you REALLY seen yourself as you are?)
1. Be honest with yourself and God. (Proverbs 19:21)
2. Instead of always speaking up, pray up!! (You don't always need to speak what you're thinking or feeling)
a. Women speak to think-Men think to speak
B. Change your thinking about it and how you use it in relationships.
1. Concentrate on what you are saying. Will what I say hurt or heal?
2. Live in such a way that people will feel safe with you and trust you.
C. Guard against falling prey to the spirit of the world.
1. When you read something, read it in light of God's Word.
2. Turn off the TV!
3. Be careful of dominate, influential friends.
D. Look for positive and good in every person.
1. Accept and appreciate someone for who they are, not for what you expect them to be.
(God can change the way you see people.)
2. Remember, criticism is building yourself up by tearing others down.
V. Verses to study:
1. Proverbs 3:5-6
2. I Peter 3:4
3. Romans 5:20
4. Philippians 4:9
5. Luke 6:45
6. Philippians 2:3
7. Romans 12:1-2
8. Luke 6: 32
The opposite of control is rest. If I really think fulfillment in my relationships comes out of control, I'm wrong. Being in control is a human way of feeling secure. You can say you meant well or you thought it was you job to keep your husband on track, your children from making mistakes, to keep your friends healthy and happy, and to make sure your spiritual leaders stay wise, but that is GOD'S job! God has called women to a life of trust, free from the painful emotions that come with "holding it all together." Entrust your relationships to a Father who holds the world in His hands and you can be free from the control that destroys them.
The view of the world for women today seems to be: "Take control of your life." "Be your own person." Be independent!" "You have the right to choose." Even as Christian women we can become affected by this philosophy. We live in a world that is permeated by it and we sometimes buy into it without thinking it through.Or perhaps for some of us we grew up in an environment with these ideas, have learned them in our youth, and now practice them as adults. However when we look at God's Word and see His pattern for our lives, the world's philosophy can only cause confusion on how we should view control.
I. Reasons why we have the need to control.
A. Because of fear (1 John 4:18)
1. Few of feeling "out of control"-If you don't have control, you feel vulnerable
2. Fear of making mistakes in front of others-If everything isn't ok, you could be blamed.
B. Our desire for security (Proverbs 3: 5-6)
1. Control of myself: "When I feel like I have control over every aspect of my life the I feel secure."
2. Control of others: "When I have control of others and they are meeting my expectations, then I feel secure."
3. Control of God: "If God is doing everything that I ask Him to, then I feel secure."
C. The need for fulfillment (Joshua 1:8-9)
1. Selfish motives in you life to feel good. "So discontent that you keep looking for THINGS to make you feel good."
2. Your desires have been met because of your controlling power.
3. You want people to love you so you'll make them do it.
D. Because we are angry (James 1:19-20)
1. Anger can be a tool of control: Anger gives me the ability to completely control a situation or relationship. Anger can be both openly shown or silent.
2. Anger can be a cause for control: Most often anger comes from a deeper problem and is misdirected in our relationships.
E. We carry a burden of responsibility
1. Feeling like you have to "do it all" because nobody else will.
2. The need to hold everything and everyone "together".
II. Ways we control others.
A. Direct: Outward action or reaction to the person we want to control.
1. Being the "boss" (the person who runs the organization-the marriage-the family)
2. Mothering (or "Smothering"....)
3. Nagging (to constantly find fault....)
4. Intimidating (to make the other timid)
B. Indirect: using behavior as a tool against others in order to control.
1. Manipulation (tears, comments, facial expressions, words....)
2. Martyr Syndrome (I have to do so much, look at the sacrifices that I make....this is pride)
3. Behavior Problems
a. Perfectionist (If I insist on perfection or nothing.....I'll always get nothing)
C. Spiritual controller: Manipulating others by using spiritual terminology and means to make others do what you want them to do.
1. "Using" God (Job 38:1-2)
2. Fear tactics (discipline in anger)
3. Passing judgment (Romans 14: ?)
III. What happens to our relationships when we try to control them?
A. Control will deteriorate them. ("different" isn't always WRONG)
B. Control will influence others negatively. (Who is watching or listening? Who is becoming
more like you? Everything you do or say affects everyone around you.)
C. Control draws us farther away from God because we think and live like we don't need Him.
(Joshua 1:8)(Practice His presence....)
D. Control leads to critical judgementalism.
E. Control will eventually end in a big crash of guilt and shame. (Psalm 142:7)
(Some of us are carrying heavy baggage, "control" won't hold you together forever...)
IV. Overcoming the control problem
A. Admit the problem and turn it over to God. (Have you REALLY seen yourself as you are?)
1. Be honest with yourself and God. (Proverbs 19:21)
2. Instead of always speaking up, pray up!! (You don't always need to speak what you're thinking or feeling)
a. Women speak to think-Men think to speak
B. Change your thinking about it and how you use it in relationships.
1. Concentrate on what you are saying. Will what I say hurt or heal?
2. Live in such a way that people will feel safe with you and trust you.
C. Guard against falling prey to the spirit of the world.
1. When you read something, read it in light of God's Word.
2. Turn off the TV!
3. Be careful of dominate, influential friends.
D. Look for positive and good in every person.
1. Accept and appreciate someone for who they are, not for what you expect them to be.
(God can change the way you see people.)
2. Remember, criticism is building yourself up by tearing others down.
V. Verses to study:
1. Proverbs 3:5-6
2. I Peter 3:4
3. Romans 5:20
4. Philippians 4:9
5. Luke 6:45
6. Philippians 2:3
7. Romans 12:1-2
8. Luke 6: 32
The opposite of control is rest. If I really think fulfillment in my relationships comes out of control, I'm wrong. Being in control is a human way of feeling secure. You can say you meant well or you thought it was you job to keep your husband on track, your children from making mistakes, to keep your friends healthy and happy, and to make sure your spiritual leaders stay wise, but that is GOD'S job! God has called women to a life of trust, free from the painful emotions that come with "holding it all together." Entrust your relationships to a Father who holds the world in His hands and you can be free from the control that destroys them.
Today we didn't really get much of anything done. Well, I got a load of dishes done and the kids fed and dressed....
Tonight I had to clean hubby's office so we got Opie's nails trimmed and grabbed a quick dinner and on the way there. It took an hour and a half longer with everyone there but we're finally done and home!
Tomorrow I've got a women's conference to go to and I have to be at my church by 7:30am. Ugh, I'm so NOT a morning person but I think this conference will be a good one for me. I'm praying that Hailey isn't too bad for Michael tomorrow. She cried pretty much most of the day because she's teething. Actually she only cried when I wasn't nursing her. She just wanted to sit and bite me, I mean nurse, all day long. I wasn't having THAT, so she ended up crying the rest of the time.
Ok, off to bed!
Tonight I had to clean hubby's office so we got Opie's nails trimmed and grabbed a quick dinner and on the way there. It took an hour and a half longer with everyone there but we're finally done and home!
Tomorrow I've got a women's conference to go to and I have to be at my church by 7:30am. Ugh, I'm so NOT a morning person but I think this conference will be a good one for me. I'm praying that Hailey isn't too bad for Michael tomorrow. She cried pretty much most of the day because she's teething. Actually she only cried when I wasn't nursing her. She just wanted to sit and bite me, I mean nurse, all day long. I wasn't having THAT, so she ended up crying the rest of the time.
Ok, off to bed!
Quick Updates
Cell Phones vs Bibles
I got this off of Becky's blog and thought I'd share it here as well....
I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phones?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled?
What if we used it in case of an emergency?
What if we upgraded it to get the latest version?
This is something to make you think...hmmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't ever have to worry about our bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.
I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phones?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled?
What if we used it in case of an emergency?
What if we upgraded it to get the latest version?
This is something to make you think...hmmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't ever have to worry about our bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.
Something to think about
Ok, I didn't post about this last night for fear that we would sound flaky, but, we got a new "old" doggie. We came across this big guy who needed a new home. Hubby met with him and his old parents to make sure he'd be a good fit for our family before we took him in. He's 7 years old therefore pretty calm and lazy. He doesn't jump on the kids and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He fetches his leash if you ask him if he wants to go for a walk and he hides his bones or any candy he comes across in the cushions of the couch for "later". He's a pretty funny dog. He does miss his old family though and spent most of last night looking out the front window for them. I've been wanting to be able to go for walks in the evenings and he's got such a loud bark that I feel somewhat safe doing that now.

More "chores"
Hailey "helped" me do dishes yesterday. She looks just about as thrilled about it as I was:)
A Day in Our Life,
Hailey Pics
And it starts.....
Last night was our first night of AWANA for the year. Matthew is so excited to be a cubbie this year!

Matthew Pics
Dentist's Hymn......................... Crown Him with Many Crowns
Weatherman's Hymn................ There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
Contractor's Hymn.................... The Church's One Foundation
The Tailor's Hymn..................... Holy, Holy, Holy
The Golfer's Hymn..................... On a Hill Far Away
The Politician's Hymn................. Standing on the Promises
Optometrist's Hymn................... Open My Eyes That I Might See
The IRS Agent's Hymn............... I Surrender All
The Gossip's Hymn..................... Pass It On
The Electrician's Hymn................ Send The Light
The Shopper's Hymn................... Sweet Bye and Bye
The Realtor's Hymn......................I've Got a Mansion
The Doctor's Hymn...................... The Great Physician
The Dieter's Hymn.......................It Is Glory Just To Walk With Him
AND for those who speed on the highway - a few hymns:
45mph...................God Will Take Care of You
65mph....................Nearer My God To Thee
85mph.. ..................This World Is Not My Home
95mph....................Lord, I'm Coming Home
100mph...................Precious Memories
Give me a sense of humor, Lord,Give me the grace to see a joke,To get some humor out of life,And pass it on to other folk.
Weatherman's Hymn................ There Shall Be Showers of Blessings
Contractor's Hymn.................... The Church's One Foundation
The Tailor's Hymn..................... Holy, Holy, Holy
The Golfer's Hymn..................... On a Hill Far Away
The Politician's Hymn................. Standing on the Promises
Optometrist's Hymn................... Open My Eyes That I Might See
The IRS Agent's Hymn............... I Surrender All
The Gossip's Hymn..................... Pass It On
The Electrician's Hymn................ Send The Light
The Shopper's Hymn................... Sweet Bye and Bye
The Realtor's Hymn......................I've Got a Mansion
The Doctor's Hymn...................... The Great Physician
The Dieter's Hymn.......................It Is Glory Just To Walk With Him
AND for those who speed on the highway - a few hymns:
45mph...................God Will Take Care of You
65mph....................Nearer My God To Thee
85mph.. ..................This World Is Not My Home
95mph....................Lord, I'm Coming Home
100mph...................Precious Memories
Give me a sense of humor, Lord,Give me the grace to see a joke,To get some humor out of life,And pass it on to other folk.
Something to think about
If monotony tries me...
If monotony tries me, and I cannot stand drudgery: if people fret me and the little things of life set me on edge; if I make much of the trifles of life, then I know nothing of Calvary's love."
~ Amy Carmichael
~ Amy Carmichael
Something to think about
Am I a godly woman?
"The modern challenge to motherhood is the eternal challenge”that of being a godly woman. The very phrase sounds strange in our ears. We never hear it now. We hear about every other type of women: beautiful women, smart women, sophisticated women, career women, talented women, divorced women. But so seldom do we hear of a godly woman--or of a godly man either, for that matter. I believe women come nearer to fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else. It is a much nobler thing to be a good wife, than to be Miss America. It is a greater achievement to establish a Christian home than it is to produce a second-rate novel filled with filth. It is a far, far better thing in the realms of morals to be old fashioned, than to be ultra-modern. The world has enough women who know how to be smart. It needs women who are willing to be simple. The world has enough women who know how to be brilliant. It needs some who will be brave. The world has enough women who are popular. It needs more who are pure. We need women, and men, too, who would rather be morally right than socially correct."
~ Rev. Peter Marshall
~ Rev. Peter Marshall
Something to think about
We spent a good part of the day today working on our presentation on the 4th Amendment to our homeschool group for next week. Wow, it's a little advanced for my youngin's but I think they understand at least some of it. We've not done any American history at all, well we did a bit on the Pilgrims but that's not much. I called up my Dad, he's a sheriff, and I was able to get some info about legal search and seizures from him. I've not done much of this type of thing and am a little overwhelmed with this project but I'm sure it will all come together.
Things got kindof chaotic right before Michael got home from work tonight. I told him as soon as I saw him to "make a run for it!". Hailey is teething and letting me know just how much it irritates her, Jacob was a terror today and Matthew was throwing tantrums. I was starting dinner and I dropped some dinner plates on the floor and broke one all over the place. Things settled down though. Gotta' love those times!
Well, that's all I got for ya! Later!
Oh, De'etta yes I do like the baby seat. I wish I had gotten the "Bumbo" brand one though and not the "Prince Lionheart" from Walmart. The lionheart was $10 cheaper but it's got a slippery surface and she tends to slide in it, the Bumbo is more spongey or rubbery in texture I think.
Things got kindof chaotic right before Michael got home from work tonight. I told him as soon as I saw him to "make a run for it!". Hailey is teething and letting me know just how much it irritates her, Jacob was a terror today and Matthew was throwing tantrums. I was starting dinner and I dropped some dinner plates on the floor and broke one all over the place. Things settled down though. Gotta' love those times!
Well, that's all I got for ya! Later!
Oh, De'etta yes I do like the baby seat. I wish I had gotten the "Bumbo" brand one though and not the "Prince Lionheart" from Walmart. The lionheart was $10 cheaper but it's got a slippery surface and she tends to slide in it, the Bumbo is more spongey or rubbery in texture I think.
A Day in Our Life,
Fun-filled Day,
I've added a music player down at the bottom of the page. If it bothers you please feel free to turn it off or down or whatever.
This song, "I Hope You Dance" by Leann Womack has become somewhat of a theme for my life. I spent many years (like 5) in a pretty good depression. Mostly post-partum, but some life happenings contributed as well. Sometimes it tries to sneak up on me again, but I try hard to ignore it. Not trying to play a violin here, just explaining my song choice! This song always reminds me to not "sit out" on my life....hopefully it doesn't offend anyone since it's a secular song.
This song, "I Hope You Dance" by Leann Womack has become somewhat of a theme for my life. I spent many years (like 5) in a pretty good depression. Mostly post-partum, but some life happenings contributed as well. Sometimes it tries to sneak up on me again, but I try hard to ignore it. Not trying to play a violin here, just explaining my song choice! This song always reminds me to not "sit out" on my life....hopefully it doesn't offend anyone since it's a secular song.
Hailey's first tooth broke through today! She started drooling quite a bit and chewing on everything about a month ago. I dismissed it since she was *only* 3 months old. Now she's just turned 4 months and has her first tooth. For some reason I thought they didn't come in until more like 6-7 months but I must be wrong. Anyways, my baby is growing up way too fast already! WAH! She's been such a joy. I wish she could stay little a while longer though as I'm fairly certain she's my last baby:(
I'm done crocheting two different things for the "wool contest". One is more of a cape/capelet (not sure when it goes from a capelet to a cape) and the other is a shawl type. Now, I have to decide which one I am going to enter! The cape is from plain grey wool but has a design with the stitching, the shawl is made of a much nicer yarn, but is a simple pattern. I'll try and get pics to post here and have ya'll vote. I just can't decide!
Ok, now on a much more serious note. Little baby Noah (linky over on the left-hand side) he's incredibly sick right now. Well, he was much worse Saturday night but he's still very sick. Please pray for the sweetie if you feel led. He's got such a long road ahead of him and it seems he just keeps running into more and more health problems as they are trying to fix previous ones. Also, please pray for his Mom, Kate. She is expecting, she's about 3-4 months along I think, and has been by his side for quite some time now, and is completely exhausted. She continues to praise God through all of it and has been such a great example for me personally. This dear family definately needs God's grace and strength right now. Thanks:)
I'm done crocheting two different things for the "wool contest". One is more of a cape/capelet (not sure when it goes from a capelet to a cape) and the other is a shawl type. Now, I have to decide which one I am going to enter! The cape is from plain grey wool but has a design with the stitching, the shawl is made of a much nicer yarn, but is a simple pattern. I'll try and get pics to post here and have ya'll vote. I just can't decide!
Ok, now on a much more serious note. Little baby Noah (linky over on the left-hand side) he's incredibly sick right now. Well, he was much worse Saturday night but he's still very sick. Please pray for the sweetie if you feel led. He's got such a long road ahead of him and it seems he just keeps running into more and more health problems as they are trying to fix previous ones. Also, please pray for his Mom, Kate. She is expecting, she's about 3-4 months along I think, and has been by his side for quite some time now, and is completely exhausted. She continues to praise God through all of it and has been such a great example for me personally. This dear family definately needs God's grace and strength right now. Thanks:)
Big News,
Prayer Requests
A Full House...
Hubby had a conversation with one of his "old" bosses today. He asked Michael how many children we had now....9??? Michael laughed and said, no we have 5 now. His boss asked him when we'd get to 9. Michael responded, "We have a full house. 3 boys and 2 girls." The man thought about it a minute then chuckled and left him alone. Hubby gets the "large family" "Very fertile" jokes and teasing pretty bad. I'm glad he's come up with a clever response for himself:) I just might have to use that one myself....
Oh, I forgot I've got some great news on the school-front. Jake is READING!!! Brandon (7 yo) just really started catching on 2 weeks ago, and is doing quite well, but Jake (5 yo) floored me yesterday when he started reading the words in his book all by himself. I looked at hubby with wide eyes and mouthed "He's READING!". He looked at me and winked back. Very cool! I didn't even think the kid was listening to a thing I was saying....
Yes, I was one of those mean homschooling moms that made their kids do schoolwork on a holiday....
Yes, I was one of those mean homschooling moms that made their kids do schoolwork on a holiday....
Our weekend was pretty lazy.
Saturday we went up to Mesa. I wanted to go into a yarn store and see what all's out there. Ooh, I'm hooked. No pun intended there, but I've found I really like crocheting. I've always thought it quite the granny craft but there are so many really pretty, modern yarns out there and so many modern patterns that it's actually quite cool. I'd LOVE to get a spinning wheel some day and dye and spin my own yarn...
Sunday we had a fellowship after morning service. I brought spaghetti in a crockpot and an asian salad. Sunday night me and hubby stayed up after the kids went to bed and played Super Mario 3. We're such nerds. We tried hard to beat the game but ended up quitting at level 8 when we just got too tired at 2 am. ::blush::
Yesterday, was another lazy day. We got all the laundry caught up but that's about it. We grilled steaks for dinner. I started reading Pride and Prejudice. I decided once again that I just can't read most of the fiction out there. No more Jane Green, I've decided to tackle the classics.
Hailey had her 4-month well-baby check today. She's healthy:) That girl, can you believe it is OFF the charts in height! She's like 115% if there was such a thing. She was 50% in weight and 25% for her head I believe. She got her shots today so she's gonna feel crummy for a couple of days. Doc said not to start her on solids for at least another 2 months. She's growing plenty with just the breastmilk, no need to supplement with solids at this point.
That's all folks!
Saturday we went up to Mesa. I wanted to go into a yarn store and see what all's out there. Ooh, I'm hooked. No pun intended there, but I've found I really like crocheting. I've always thought it quite the granny craft but there are so many really pretty, modern yarns out there and so many modern patterns that it's actually quite cool. I'd LOVE to get a spinning wheel some day and dye and spin my own yarn...
Sunday we had a fellowship after morning service. I brought spaghetti in a crockpot and an asian salad. Sunday night me and hubby stayed up after the kids went to bed and played Super Mario 3. We're such nerds. We tried hard to beat the game but ended up quitting at level 8 when we just got too tired at 2 am. ::blush::
Yesterday, was another lazy day. We got all the laundry caught up but that's about it. We grilled steaks for dinner. I started reading Pride and Prejudice. I decided once again that I just can't read most of the fiction out there. No more Jane Green, I've decided to tackle the classics.
Hailey had her 4-month well-baby check today. She's healthy:) That girl, can you believe it is OFF the charts in height! She's like 115% if there was such a thing. She was 50% in weight and 25% for her head I believe. She got her shots today so she's gonna feel crummy for a couple of days. Doc said not to start her on solids for at least another 2 months. She's growing plenty with just the breastmilk, no need to supplement with solids at this point.
That's all folks!
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