Ok, I'm gonna post a blog that's a little controversial here....
What would YOU do if you received a flyer like this in the mail?
(don't run off and look at this site quite yet, stick with me!)

What do you think this flyer could be about? Lingerie? Plastic Surgery? Something X-RATED?
What would you do if I told you that there is a full-color banner that looks just like this hanging up on a building not too far from our house? Would you want it removed? Would you be worried about what conversations might come up when the inquisitive eyes of children see it?
Now, what if I told you that this banner and advertisement were from a church. Yep, you read it right, a C-H-U-R-C-H!
I was literally physically ill. I saw the banner on the way to church yesterday so I picked up the flyer and opened it to see "What in the WORLD!" this was all about. I am just completely appalled, I don't know what else to say. I DO feel like I needed to say something though. It is just so wrong on so many levels. I think sometimes in our little circles, we don't realize just HOW bad the Church is getting and what is really out there. I mean we have seen some doozies while visiting various churches with all our moves over the years but I think by FAR this takes the cake! The Church, in an effort to make themselves feel better about their sinful state, are trying to bring God down to their level, and appeal to human's fleshly desires to "bring people in". It has gotten downright disgusting! If you go to this website they even go so far as to advertise that you can come early, grab some Starbucks, while leisurely perusing the bookstore. Umm, isn't that merchandising of the saints??? I'm going to just quit now because I am just way too emotional over this thing and am not quite verbalizing and organizing my thoughts on this very well but I just felt the need to stand up and say "That is NOT right!". We have such an attitude of "You do your thing and I'll do mine." and "Don't judge what I do, I'm not hurting anyone." in this country. There is that old cliche' "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything." Well, church's are not taking a stand and they are definately falling for a whole lot. What's sad is that these people are getting their weekly "shot in the arm of feelgood" and leaving there thinking that they are in favor with God. Are they even preaching the need for a Saviour in these churchs or have they all reduced themselves to topical messages on "this is how to live right and be a good person" messages? If this is what is going on, woe to our nation. We are not far from the anti-Christ and sadly some (and dare I say most of) these people will fall for his lies...they are falling for everything else!!!
Their advertising slogan is "Bringing Sexy Back". (taken from a popular secular song)
Don't you all think their next banner should be...
"Bringing Jesus Back!"
Oh my word - I've not seen anything this off the wall in a long long time...it's an advertisement for a church? wow.
Um Jen - hope you were joking in your comment on my blog - I posted that before I'd read this blog entry and didn't even think of my post when I read yours as seen by my comment above.
Sin is sin and we aren't supposed to pretend it doesn't exist, or not take a stand...just take our stand in love. If I lived in your town, at the very least, I would be writing a very kind, polite, loving, but frank letter to the church board who sponsors the billboard and letting them know how it affects the typical person who receives their mail or sees the billboard....I almost wonder if they aren't a cult or something....
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