I've really not had much to blog about this week, forgive me. Today we got out and went to the library and movie rental store. I took most of my books back but didn't get anymore so as to allow myself to finish the couple that I still have. The kids were pretty well-behaved again, I think we'll keep this library thing going.
As far as my weight, I'm down to 176. I was at 177 when I went home to Wa. I've been struggling a bit but have not strayed too far. I'm really just trying to figure out *what* it is that I'm going to do as far as eating plan and then stick with it. Lately I've been grabbing a Wendy's chili if we're out and about, it could be a lunch or dinner depending on the time of day. Trying to keep my fiber intake up, they are filling, they're cheap ($1.09), and portion controlled:) Breakfasts have been a LC shake. I think I'm basically still doing a lower carb diet but not down to the 20gr/day that I have done in the past. With me nursing it was just not working for me, I ended up literally feeling like I'm starving and then I'd blow it. So that's where I am with that. I've been doing weights with my little 5 lb'rs and trying to get up the courage to attempt some situps. I know that's going to be tough and I'm avoiding them. I really wish I had access to a treadmill but will just have to suck it up and go walking in the heat.
I've changed up my project for the wool competition a little again. I'll not be sewing a jacket but am crocheting a "capelet". I came across a really pretty old-fashioned chic looking pattern. I was struggling with how to sew something for myself if I'm going to be losing weight. The skirt I think I can do the 2 weeks before deadline (mid-October) but the jacket I'd really need to start much sooner and I don't want to really halt my weightloss for this project. The capelet should fit whether I lose a little weight or not.
The "famous" VP of hubby's company has been in town this week. He's re-shuffled again, always fun. Michael won't be working down in Tucson anymore. They are moving him back up here and into his old position as Operations Manager. The current Ops mgr is moving out of state and things are a mess so they're having hubby come back in and fix things, once again! The company is trying to buy out a competitor that has businesses in Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque, and Las Vegas. Hubby was told that if the buy out happens that they'd need a District Manager right away in Albuquerque so be prepared for that move. We'd kindof changed our minds about wanting to go there, but he'd step into that office and hit the ground running, that company has $6 million in business there. He wouldn't be having to start an office from scratch. He was also told that he might end up the VP's assistant here in the next couple of years. That would actually be great for hubby. Office politics stink, that's where the majority of hubby's stress comes from. Becky, I know you know what I'm talking about.
Well that's all that's going on. That banner on the church near us is some 6 week workshop that they are having on Sunday mornings, not an ad for the church itself. Still, I think *if* you're going to have a workshop like that, it should probably be done on a weeknight. Not on a Sunday morning. You wouldn't be able to have your kids with you in that service that's for sure. Plus, call me old-fashioned but I feel Sunday sermons should be reserved for teaching about Jesus, salvation, faith, or some other "meaty" doctrine. Really, if you are truly following the Lord you shouldn't need specialized instruction on your intimate life. My Pastor up in Wa always used to say, in fact it was in the benediction for our wedding, "If you have your eyes on God and are obedient to what He wants for your life, everything will fall into place." Your "love-life" will not be out of whack, you'll be living your life to God's glory. This above mentioned workshop included messages titled "What Happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas". Well, if you're truly living for the Lord, you wouldn't need a sermon to tell you not to sleep around. Those are surface issues that are indicative of a much deeper problem, are those people even saved? If so, are they living for the Lord? Preach those things and this world would be getting better--not worse. Ok, stepping off my soapbox!