
Since it's been a week since I've last blogged I'm gonna do a day-by-day...

Hailey's 2-month checkup. She's growing well. 90% in length (height), 50% in weight, and 25% head circumfrence. She received 3 shots as well as the oral rotavirus thing. Gave that Peds office "one last chance" and they totally blew it. Won't go into details but I'm NOT going back there. That was really the big event of the day. We came home and did schoolwork and had a normal evening at home.

We were supposed to go over to someone's house for the 4th but ended up staying home because Hailey was not feeling well from her shots the day before. She was literally wimpering in her sleep. We grilled some steaks and Mom came over and we watched movies most of the day.

Hailey was feeling better. Her fever was completely gone. We did schoolwork and some chores then headed to Tucson to stay with daddy in the hotel.

We hung around Tucson till daddy got off work. We went to the "bead" store and I let Hannah go in and spend her allowance. Then, we went to the mall there. Pretty good mall. Again, I found some shoes I REALLY wanted to get but didn't. Gotta' stop going to the mall, I end up coveting!

We had a family over from church again. We had a GREAT time! I fixed "taco" stuff so we could just mix and match things for us low-carbers and the kids. Their son (6yo) made dessert and brought over the cutest cupcakes! They were baked in star shaped tins and had white icing with M&M's on them. Me and my friend are low-carbin' it so we didn't get to eat one, but they looked so yummy!

Church as usual. We made it to Sunday School. We've only missed 2 or 3 sunday school's since Hailey was born. MUCH better than I thought we were going to do! She's been such an easy baby! The Lord must've known I needed an "easy" one so I could keep up with the others. I talked with the lady who runs our "Sparks" group for AWANA today. She is a Kindergarten teacher. Well, I've been working with Brandon really hard on his reading and he's just plain having problems. He has a problem with his eyes where when he's reading, cutting, writing, etc. one eye crosses and he can't see. He literally closes that eye when he's cutting things out for school. We've taken him to 3 different Dr's and seen a Ped opthalmologist and a regular eye Dr. and just been blown off. Anyways, our teacher friend is going to evaluate him for dyslexia and see what's going on with his eyes when he works so she can point us in the right direction for help for him. I was tears today talking to her, I'm just so frustrated and sad for him. It's keeping him from learning to read and function normally.

I'll not be doing a weigh-in tomorrow. I've just had too many bad days this week. I've been really stressed about my above-mentioned son and doing school with him this week and ended up having a hard week diet-wise. So, if you're interested in that, you'll have to wait till next week:)

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