Friday, we broke down and hired a landscaper to come take care of our yard. We don't know a lick about taking care of desert landscaping. It was too overwhelming for us and it's now in the 100's and frankly we don't want to be outside LOL. They spent all day here and took care of everything that we needed done. We ended up buying them lunch and feeding them dinner as well. We felt bad that THEY were out in the heat. It is such a blessing though to have that burden off my hubby's shoulders. He works so many hours, it was depressing to come home and see the yard everyday.
Saturday, we took Jake to get his pics taken at Sears. We ended up with two cute ones.

This one is affectionately labeled "Cookie? What cookie??".

Sunday, we had an appointment after church to get Hailey's pics taken. She was a bit of a grump so it took a bit to get some decent ones. Oh, we went to JC Penney's instead of Sears to try them out. MUCH better customer service. We'll probably be going there from now on. I won't have those back for a week and a half so I can't post it here till then. After pictures we took Mom to TGI Friday's for lunch. After that we came home and watched a couple of rented movies, well actually I napped since I was tired, but everyone else watched movies.
Monday, my first day "solo" since the baby was born. Hubby also stayed that night in Tucson, we actually had a decent day. I thought my Gram was going to be here this week, so we didn't start school, but she's decided to wait until next week to come since my sister is coming down to visit us then. So, looks like we won't be starting school back up for two weeks. That will give me time to work out a daily schedule/routine for us.
Tuesday, Hailey had her first REAL bath. Pics to follow "sometime". Tuesday night we took Jake to spend the rest of his birthday money at Target. He bought Transformers (oh joy...). We missed AI last night. We caught the very end where Melissa sang the W-O-M-A-N song. I'm rooting for Jordin and have since the very very beginning when she auditioned in Seattle. She's the only one I can see "making it big" out in the real world of music. I hope the lifestyle doesn't ruin her though, she's a sweetie.
On another note, I've officially "lost" 20lbs since the baby's birth. I came home that first weekend and had *only* lost 10lbs. I was totally bummed because 7 of that was HER. Then about a week later I hopped on again and was down another 7 lbs. I stood there blinking my eyes and kept double checking to make sure, that put a smile on my face:) Then yesterday I hopped on again and have lost another 3 lbs. I gained a total of 35 during the pg so that's not too bad. I'm going to start eating/cooking healthier on Monday, not quite dieting yet, and I'm going to go for an evening walk on the nights that Michael is home until we can join the gym again. I'll also start my pilates videos again but not until at least the middle of June, if I can even do them then. Right now I have that "childbearing weary gut" as De'Etta once called it.
Well, that's all I can think of!
1 comment:
Congrats - 20 lbs already is good. Love the photos. Way to go with your first solo day...
100* already? UGH...I dread summer down here.
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