
Well after seeking advice from my Pa, we decided to go ahead and get a new fridge. We're now the proud owners of a new Kenmore, upright, freezer on the bottom, bright white box to keep our food in:) It's supposed to be delivered on Saturday. I've gotta clean out the broken one tomorrow. Yuck!

Hannah had piano today.

Well, that's about it! Fun day, heh?

Breakfast: corn flakes and milk (my almost 5 yo made it for me and brought it to me in bed)
Lunch: 1/2 tuna sandwich
Dinner: caesar salad w/blackened chicken
Snack: 4 strawberries and some kettle corn (borderline junkfood, I know)

I've lost another lb so I figured I better throw in a little extra food. I've been working hard on not "mindlessly" eating and just eating my 3 meals and maybe a snack or two if I need it but I'm losing weight and I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing. Maintaining was fine but losing is another thing....

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