Today I got the boys' school organized and scheduled for next week. Now I just have to clear off the old stuff from the shelves so I have a place to put everything...
Spent a good part of the day going over baby names. It's really driving me crazy:) I'm beginning to feel burdened by this privilege...maybe I'll just throw all caution to the wind and name her Tallulah! Hannah, Brandon, Jacob, Matthew, and Tallulah. "Talley" sortof has a nice ring to it, right? Hmmm, I'll have to ask hubby about it tomorrow......I'm kidding in case you thought I was being serious.
Tonight hubby took us to go see Meet the Robinsons. It was actually pretty good. Not as good as Cars hubby said, but *I* liked it and I'm not too fond of kid's movies. We went pretty late so I wasn't able to get a decent review from the kids, they were all tired and crabby.
I weighed myself today and I've still not gained any weight. I've been a rebel some this week and have eaten some junk food so I expected to gain something. The baby is still getting bigger even though I'm not gaining, that's a good thing.
Was having contractions again tonight. I could feel them in my lower back which had me concerned, but again, they went away. I have my next Dr appt on Tuesday. Only 6 weeks to go...
Tomorrow (Saturday) we have hubby's picnic for work and I'll be leaving early to take Hannah to a tea party. We have to leave the house by 8 am to go buy the food and go up there to set up. I'm not too fond of that, especially since I'm such a morning person;)
Got Hannah's schoolwork organized, in her notebook, and ready to go for next week.
Took Hannah to piano lessons.
Got caught up with Dad and Michelle.
My sister called and I got caught up with her too.
Went to Target to buy some drinking glasses so we'd have more than 5:)
Ate dinner at fresh!
Watched the last half of Survivor.
Went to the grocery store quickly to get the neccessities.
That's my day! Fun, eh?
Took Hannah to piano lessons.
Got caught up with Dad and Michelle.
My sister called and I got caught up with her too.
Went to Target to buy some drinking glasses so we'd have more than 5:)
Ate dinner at fresh!
Watched the last half of Survivor.
Went to the grocery store quickly to get the neccessities.
That's my day! Fun, eh?
Yesterday hubby came home from work around 9:30am. Everyone sent him home cuz they didn't want to get sick from him and he still didn't have much of a voice. He still worked from home but we got to spend the day with him, I always LOVE that.
I finally got the Homeschool Intent forms notarized and sent yesterday. Technically I should have gotten Hannah's in 2 years ago and Brandon's in in September but I wasn't too worried about it until Hannah turned 8. Hopefully I don't get into trouble. I sent a very cheerful letter telling them that I'd be happy to provide any other info that they needed etc. Hopefully that will work:)
I didn't get anything done yesterday around the house so I better get something done today. I've not had anymore trouble with contractions for a few days so I feel pretty comfortable at least doing stuff around here. Walmart trips have gotten hard for me though. About halfway through I start feeling sick and extremely tired. Guess I just need to hang around here. I made myself to-do lists for the rest of the week and should be caught up by Friday. Saturday we have both Michael's picnic for work and Hannah has a tea party. Sunday will be church and then next week we can start school and hopefully I can start some sewing projects I've been putting off since there's so much around here to do. Can't justify sitting with my sewing machine all day when there are dishes to do and floors to vacuum, ya know?
Matty's still working on potty training. Still going in his pullups but about once a day goes by himself on the potty. He even did it the other day at Walmart. I kindof blew him off at first since he gets in there and grunts then says, "too hard!" and won't try anymore. Took him back there after he insisted he had to go and he went. So, I guess we're still making headway it'll just take awhile before he's going on the potty full time.
We let the kids watch The Nativity Story for movie night up in our room while we watched something else (can't remember). Anyways, WE finally watched it yesterday and OOOHH we should have previewed that one! It was graphic without showing anything if that makes sense. It showed two childbirths and a circumcision in just the parts that I saw. I didn't see the whole thing since I was at the mail place and bank so there could have been more. I guess we'll have to really pay even MORE attention to what we let them watch. We're already pretty strict but thought that was a safe one...
Oh, while hubby was in Vegas last week he went to the M&M factory and got me some pink and purple M&M's. I'm going to make some cute little packets up for us to hand out when the baby comes. Got the idea off of splitcoaststampers. I'm going to use my "It's a girl!" stamp. Will take pics when I get those done.
I guess that's it!
I finally got the Homeschool Intent forms notarized and sent yesterday. Technically I should have gotten Hannah's in 2 years ago and Brandon's in in September but I wasn't too worried about it until Hannah turned 8. Hopefully I don't get into trouble. I sent a very cheerful letter telling them that I'd be happy to provide any other info that they needed etc. Hopefully that will work:)
I didn't get anything done yesterday around the house so I better get something done today. I've not had anymore trouble with contractions for a few days so I feel pretty comfortable at least doing stuff around here. Walmart trips have gotten hard for me though. About halfway through I start feeling sick and extremely tired. Guess I just need to hang around here. I made myself to-do lists for the rest of the week and should be caught up by Friday. Saturday we have both Michael's picnic for work and Hannah has a tea party. Sunday will be church and then next week we can start school and hopefully I can start some sewing projects I've been putting off since there's so much around here to do. Can't justify sitting with my sewing machine all day when there are dishes to do and floors to vacuum, ya know?
Matty's still working on potty training. Still going in his pullups but about once a day goes by himself on the potty. He even did it the other day at Walmart. I kindof blew him off at first since he gets in there and grunts then says, "too hard!" and won't try anymore. Took him back there after he insisted he had to go and he went. So, I guess we're still making headway it'll just take awhile before he's going on the potty full time.
We let the kids watch The Nativity Story for movie night up in our room while we watched something else (can't remember). Anyways, WE finally watched it yesterday and OOOHH we should have previewed that one! It was graphic without showing anything if that makes sense. It showed two childbirths and a circumcision in just the parts that I saw. I didn't see the whole thing since I was at the mail place and bank so there could have been more. I guess we'll have to really pay even MORE attention to what we let them watch. We're already pretty strict but thought that was a safe one...
Oh, while hubby was in Vegas last week he went to the M&M factory and got me some pink and purple M&M's. I'm going to make some cute little packets up for us to hand out when the baby comes. Got the idea off of splitcoaststampers. I'm going to use my "It's a girl!" stamp. Will take pics when I get those done.
I guess that's it!
I've found another gray hair on top of my head. I know it's no big thing, but it sits there GLEAMING at me in the mirror every morning, almost *taunting* me to do something about of these days I'll get even (sinister laugh).
I've decided to embrace this getting older thing, and post something from time to time that shows that I am indeed getting *old*. VBG
You know you're getting old when you remember to buy yourself your own little box of Kleenex for your nightstand when you're at Walmart, but forget to buy milk. This Kleenex took it's rightful place right next to my vitamins, fish oil capsules, and fiber capsules...
I've decided to embrace this getting older thing, and post something from time to time that shows that I am indeed getting *old*. VBG
You know you're getting old when you remember to buy yourself your own little box of Kleenex for your nightstand when you're at Walmart, but forget to buy milk. This Kleenex took it's rightful place right next to my vitamins, fish oil capsules, and fiber capsules...
Hubby was still not feeling well this morning so he stayed home from church. He helped me get everyone ready though, yay!
After church we all headed outside to work on the yard some more. I sat outside and kept hubby company while he attacked our two big bushes. They have 1/2 inch thorns all up and down the branches and limbs so it takes finesse to trim them down. I convinced hubby yesterday that what he needed was a chainsaw to accomplish that task and he agreed. They went from 8' bushes down to about 3'. They should be pretty easy to handle this Summer:)
I started feeling guilty just sitting there watching hubby do yardwork so I decided to clean out my van. This is a MAJOR, MAJOR job! I really should be better at keeping up with it but I'm not so it doesn't usually get done until I just can't stand it anymore:) Anyways, I got the front 2/3rds done. totally wiped down the inside including cleaning the upholstery. I've still gotta do the carpets and then the boy's seats in the back row. If it's cool enough, I'll tackle that tomorrow.
I was wanting to start school tomorrow but I didn't get it organized this weekend. Plus, since we've been busy in the yard and such the house is a wreck now. It totally drives me crazy how everyone just leaves stuff, ANY stuff, just laying around wherever.
After church we all headed outside to work on the yard some more. I sat outside and kept hubby company while he attacked our two big bushes. They have 1/2 inch thorns all up and down the branches and limbs so it takes finesse to trim them down. I convinced hubby yesterday that what he needed was a chainsaw to accomplish that task and he agreed. They went from 8' bushes down to about 3'. They should be pretty easy to handle this Summer:)
I started feeling guilty just sitting there watching hubby do yardwork so I decided to clean out my van. This is a MAJOR, MAJOR job! I really should be better at keeping up with it but I'm not so it doesn't usually get done until I just can't stand it anymore:) Anyways, I got the front 2/3rds done. totally wiped down the inside including cleaning the upholstery. I've still gotta do the carpets and then the boy's seats in the back row. If it's cool enough, I'll tackle that tomorrow.
I was wanting to start school tomorrow but I didn't get it organized this weekend. Plus, since we've been busy in the yard and such the house is a wreck now. It totally drives me crazy how everyone just leaves stuff, ANY stuff, just laying around wherever.
Hubby made it home safely. He had a good time catching up with old co-workers from Seattle but wished I could have come with him. He started losing his voice on Thursday when he left and came home today with barely any voice at all. This has the kids very concerned for daddy and wanted to make sure and pray for him especially tonight:) I guess they're scared it might STAY gone even though we've explained that it's temporary.
We worked on the yard for a couple of hours this afternoon. We've still got a ways to go but we're trying to take advantage of the lower temps this weekend and next week, it's supposed to be in the 70's all week. We've had rain off and on for the last 3 days, crazy considering we had 100F temps the week before.
I've been moving out room around and making room for some new furniture. I've gotta squeeze a chair and ottoman to nurse in up here as well as the baby's bed. Had to move the bed over so now of course I've gotta move the pictures that are hanging over the headboard over. Oh, I cracked open the carseat Thursday night "just to look at it". Went through and organized all the baby's clothes and such in the proper bins. I think it's safe to say I'm officially nesting:) I'm still a little frustrated with these contractions though. They eased up Mon-Wed but on Thursday night I was having them 5 mins apart for at least 2 hours straight. I drank a bunch of water and rolled over on my other side and they didn't go away. I decided to go to sleep hoping that they would go away, and they did. But here again I sit, having them again. I guess I'm just doing too much? It's frustrating because I'm not really doing much at all, but if I try to actually accomplish anything, then they show up. I'm hoping to keep them at bay for at least another 3 weeks. Then, I'll be 36 weeks and in the "safe zone" so-to-speak.
Hannah learned "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" at her piano lesson of Thursday. This has increased her enthusiasm for playing and she's alot more eager to practice the last couple of days. I think she was getting bored playing songs that she really didn't know and there were no real words to go with them. Now that she's playing "real" songs, I think she feels that she's "made it" to "real piano player" (g).
Well, that's all I can think of! Off to check everyone else's blogs....
We worked on the yard for a couple of hours this afternoon. We've still got a ways to go but we're trying to take advantage of the lower temps this weekend and next week, it's supposed to be in the 70's all week. We've had rain off and on for the last 3 days, crazy considering we had 100F temps the week before.
I've been moving out room around and making room for some new furniture. I've gotta squeeze a chair and ottoman to nurse in up here as well as the baby's bed. Had to move the bed over so now of course I've gotta move the pictures that are hanging over the headboard over. Oh, I cracked open the carseat Thursday night "just to look at it". Went through and organized all the baby's clothes and such in the proper bins. I think it's safe to say I'm officially nesting:) I'm still a little frustrated with these contractions though. They eased up Mon-Wed but on Thursday night I was having them 5 mins apart for at least 2 hours straight. I drank a bunch of water and rolled over on my other side and they didn't go away. I decided to go to sleep hoping that they would go away, and they did. But here again I sit, having them again. I guess I'm just doing too much? It's frustrating because I'm not really doing much at all, but if I try to actually accomplish anything, then they show up. I'm hoping to keep them at bay for at least another 3 weeks. Then, I'll be 36 weeks and in the "safe zone" so-to-speak.
Hannah learned "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" at her piano lesson of Thursday. This has increased her enthusiasm for playing and she's alot more eager to practice the last couple of days. I think she was getting bored playing songs that she really didn't know and there were no real words to go with them. Now that she's playing "real" songs, I think she feels that she's "made it" to "real piano player" (g).
Well, that's all I can think of! Off to check everyone else's blogs....
Just a quick update. Hubby will be gone for two days so I won't be online until at least Saturday night. We've switched from Netzero over to MSN but I don't have it loaded on my computer yet and our netzero subscription has expired. Anyways...
Today I took the kids to Goodwill and we got them all setup for the Summer weather. Now I have to go through all the other clothes and pack up winter/fall stuff.
We received out new schoolwork yesterday in the mail. I went through some of it last night and the rest tonight and I'm so excited to get started. I really really think Bob Jones is going to work very well for us! I am a "think outside the box" person but I also really really need structure....structure not created by ME. I've struggled these last two years piecing everything, it just gets too overwhelming for me. I'm going to try and get things organized this weekend so we can start on Monday. Our days go so much smoother when we have school than when we don't and this last month or so has been driving us all crazy:)
Well, bye for a couple of days....
Today I took the kids to Goodwill and we got them all setup for the Summer weather. Now I have to go through all the other clothes and pack up winter/fall stuff.
We received out new schoolwork yesterday in the mail. I went through some of it last night and the rest tonight and I'm so excited to get started. I really really think Bob Jones is going to work very well for us! I am a "think outside the box" person but I also really really need structure....structure not created by ME. I've struggled these last two years piecing everything, it just gets too overwhelming for me. I'm going to try and get things organized this weekend so we can start on Monday. Our days go so much smoother when we have school than when we don't and this last month or so has been driving us all crazy:)
Well, bye for a couple of days....
My Dr appt went pretty well today. We were there a long time though as she was at the hospital delivering a baby. I told her about my contractions last week and she decided to check my cervix to make sure things were fine. She said I'm not dialated but that my cervix IS softened. She said to continue to restrict my activities and if I have anymore "regular contractions" like last week then head to labor and delivery. I'm excited, this means there's really and end in sight! I can't wait to meet her:)
I made a roast tonight, it turned out pretty good.
Went to AWANA tonight. Still can't wait for it to be over:) That age group I just really have a hard time with (K-2nd). They are sooo active and sooo loud, kindof like my kids on a daily basis only there's 20 of them...
That's it!
I made a roast tonight, it turned out pretty good.
Went to AWANA tonight. Still can't wait for it to be over:) That age group I just really have a hard time with (K-2nd). They are sooo active and sooo loud, kindof like my kids on a daily basis only there's 20 of them...
That's it!
Just doing a quick update. Really nothing interesting going on.
The contractions have slowed up for now. I am however getting *BIG* very quickly. I'll try and post a pic of my "baby bump" in the next couple of days. I have my 32 week appt tomorrow. I've not gained any weight since the last one but my stomach has grown so baby is doing well. I don't think she's turned yet and I'm getting a little nervous about that, usually mine have turned by now. A plus with that though is that her head is sitting smack dab in the middle top of my tummy so she's not put alot of pressure on my lungs. I'm able to breath pretty comfortably. She's also not kicking me in the ribs and I don't have her big 'ole head resting on my bladder. Still, I'd like to not have a c-section or difficult delivery so I'm hoping she turns soon. Some of the ladies at church are getting anxious. They all thought on Sunday that I only had 2-3 weeks left, they were shocked when I said I still have 8 weeks. Hopefully it continues to go by fast! It's almost April....
Mom came over Sunday and helped up get some yardwork done. We're gonna try and knock out the rest of it this next weekend as we're supposed to have a storm front come in and cool us back down to the 70's. It was 100F this last weekend! I think today it was 89F. Crazy huh?
Well, that's it:)
The contractions have slowed up for now. I am however getting *BIG* very quickly. I'll try and post a pic of my "baby bump" in the next couple of days. I have my 32 week appt tomorrow. I've not gained any weight since the last one but my stomach has grown so baby is doing well. I don't think she's turned yet and I'm getting a little nervous about that, usually mine have turned by now. A plus with that though is that her head is sitting smack dab in the middle top of my tummy so she's not put alot of pressure on my lungs. I'm able to breath pretty comfortably. She's also not kicking me in the ribs and I don't have her big 'ole head resting on my bladder. Still, I'd like to not have a c-section or difficult delivery so I'm hoping she turns soon. Some of the ladies at church are getting anxious. They all thought on Sunday that I only had 2-3 weeks left, they were shocked when I said I still have 8 weeks. Hopefully it continues to go by fast! It's almost April....
Mom came over Sunday and helped up get some yardwork done. We're gonna try and knock out the rest of it this next weekend as we're supposed to have a storm front come in and cool us back down to the 70's. It was 100F this last weekend! I think today it was 89F. Crazy huh?
Well, that's it:)
I've got a touch of spring fever, notice the new baby ticker. We've also decided on a new name for the baby. I know, can't we make up our mind?! I was telling Becky the other night that I needed a girl's name that ended in the sound "eee" "ahh" or "uhh". I don't know why but I just couldn't see myself saying "Megan" everyday. I love the name, and I loved the way it looks, especially with Elizabeth but *I* was just not feeling it. Abigail is the name that EVERYONE in the house agrees on and we'll call her Abbey so that works for me. I guess I'm not gonna venture and say this is *the* name as we could change our minds again, but it's the name for right now and it'll probably stick. Still tossing up "Grace" or "Rose" for the middle name. I like the way Grace looks with Abigail but I like saying Rose better....Abbey Grace....Abbey Rose. I know I'm a nut!
We were going to head down to Tucson tonight and hit an airshow at the Air Force base down there, but we decided to stay here. We took hubby out to steak dinner instead of spending it on a hotel. Mom met us there and we had a good dinner. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow. Hubby is wanting to get some "honey-do's" done and I'm really into hardcore nesting right now so there's some stuff I wanna get done pronto. This leads into my next "topic".
Ugh, I've been having contractions every night. When I lay down they finally go away but I'm starting to think I really might not make it full term. I have this really strong urge to want to get everything done NOW, as well as have a bag packed and ready to go. I've never worried about a "bag" before really. Had the basic girly stuff in there but hubby ends up bringing stuff to the hospital for me,clothes,hairdryer, makeup, etc...I'm really REALLY wanting a bag packed this time. I'm hoping to make it at least another 3-4 weeks and dodge the lung maturity issue like we had with Brandon. I went into labor at 34 weeks with him-had him at 35 after 4 days in the hospital complete with amniocentesis and everything. Not something I'm looking forward to doing again. I guess I'll just try and take it easy and talk to my Dr on Tuesday at my appt. Hopefully she'll take me seriously and check things out. I'm feeling alot of pressure tonight with the contractions, nothing to be terribly worried about right now, but enough to send up a red flag.
Well, that's all folks!
We were going to head down to Tucson tonight and hit an airshow at the Air Force base down there, but we decided to stay here. We took hubby out to steak dinner instead of spending it on a hotel. Mom met us there and we had a good dinner. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow. Hubby is wanting to get some "honey-do's" done and I'm really into hardcore nesting right now so there's some stuff I wanna get done pronto. This leads into my next "topic".
Ugh, I've been having contractions every night. When I lay down they finally go away but I'm starting to think I really might not make it full term. I have this really strong urge to want to get everything done NOW, as well as have a bag packed and ready to go. I've never worried about a "bag" before really. Had the basic girly stuff in there but hubby ends up bringing stuff to the hospital for me,clothes,hairdryer, makeup, etc...I'm really REALLY wanting a bag packed this time. I'm hoping to make it at least another 3-4 weeks and dodge the lung maturity issue like we had with Brandon. I went into labor at 34 weeks with him-had him at 35 after 4 days in the hospital complete with amniocentesis and everything. Not something I'm looking forward to doing again. I guess I'll just try and take it easy and talk to my Dr on Tuesday at my appt. Hopefully she'll take me seriously and check things out. I'm feeling alot of pressure tonight with the contractions, nothing to be terribly worried about right now, but enough to send up a red flag.
Well, that's all folks!

Ugh, I've finally gotten this mysterious stomach bug. We pretty much vegged all day. Hubby had to work in Tucson today (1 1/2 hrs away). On his way home there was a semi truck accident and they had the interstate closed so he took the side roads. He ended up going wayyyy east and wayyy north through some mountains somewhere and it took him 3 1/2 hrs to get home. He's also got the bug and is the only one running a fever. I just force fed him some tylenol, hopefully he can sleep good tonight and I hope he decides to stay home from work tomorrow. We always enjoy daddy being home, even if he's sick. Saturday is my love's birthday. If he goes to work Friday, we're going to surprise him by bringing cupcakes to work for everyone. It all depends on how we're feeling. Saturday he's bent on doing yardwork but maybe we'll take him out to dinner or something. Well, that's it!
Today I tackled more of my room. Starting to Spring clean and go through the kids' clothes so that we can ramp up for Summer. The heat is gonna hit us hard this year, it's already pushing 90F. We stopped so that I could drop some stuff off at the consignment store for them to buy and then pick up vacuum bags at Kirby.
I ended up buying a nightstand for our bedroom at the consignment store with my store credit and we hung around till hubby met up with us since it was too heavy for me to lift. I realized while waiting for hubby that I was having contractions about 10 mins apart. They had been happening for at least 2 hours before I started to pay attention. Came home and laid down on the couch after dinner. Now I'm up in bed on my laptop surfing. The contractions are not gone but definately not 10 mins anymore. I guess I'll have to take it a little easier. It's frustrating though as I have so much to do...
I ended up buying a nightstand for our bedroom at the consignment store with my store credit and we hung around till hubby met up with us since it was too heavy for me to lift. I realized while waiting for hubby that I was having contractions about 10 mins apart. They had been happening for at least 2 hours before I started to pay attention. Came home and laid down on the couch after dinner. Now I'm up in bed on my laptop surfing. The contractions are not gone but definately not 10 mins anymore. I guess I'll have to take it a little easier. It's frustrating though as I have so much to do...
Nothing too exciting today. I made grilled chicken caesar salads which almost all of my family gobbled up. The only ones that didn't have been battling this weird stomach bug STILL! Brandon actually got most of the way through his dinner, then threw up in his bowl. Oh the joys:)
I have a little confession to make. I got the munchies tonight so I decided that I'm "allowed" since I've really been pretty good the last 3-4 weeks. I grabbed the bag of kettle corn and tossed in a few Cheezit's for good measure. Then I sat down on the couch enjoing my snack. I got about bites into it when I saw something was a spider! Needless to say my appetite was ruined and I threw it away. I hesitate to say this but I'm sticking my toe out there....God really does have a sense of humor doesn't He? I've been dealing with the gluttony issue again spiritually and He didn't let me go too far down that road:)
This evening after everyone was tucked in the "nesting bug" hit me and I got some stuff moved around. Penny's moving downstairs, she's in the hall for tonight. Then, I vacuumed and moved the "butcher block" from Matty's room to mine since it will be the new changing table. I got all of the baby's stuff stacked on and around it. Then I got my bathroom cleaned. With all this stomach bug stuff, I'm now into disinfecting everything. I'd do more tonight but everyone needs to sleep and I don't want to wake them up.
I have a little confession to make. I got the munchies tonight so I decided that I'm "allowed" since I've really been pretty good the last 3-4 weeks. I grabbed the bag of kettle corn and tossed in a few Cheezit's for good measure. Then I sat down on the couch enjoing my snack. I got about bites into it when I saw something was a spider! Needless to say my appetite was ruined and I threw it away. I hesitate to say this but I'm sticking my toe out there....God really does have a sense of humor doesn't He? I've been dealing with the gluttony issue again spiritually and He didn't let me go too far down that road:)
This evening after everyone was tucked in the "nesting bug" hit me and I got some stuff moved around. Penny's moving downstairs, she's in the hall for tonight. Then, I vacuumed and moved the "butcher block" from Matty's room to mine since it will be the new changing table. I got all of the baby's stuff stacked on and around it. Then I got my bathroom cleaned. With all this stomach bug stuff, I'm now into disinfecting everything. I'd do more tonight but everyone needs to sleep and I don't want to wake them up.
Let's see. The fridge was delivered yesterday. It works great and I'm glad we picked the one we did. It's one with the freezer on the bottom. This works out good for me because I can stick the kids' snack stuff in one of the veggie drawers and all of their condiments on the lowest shelf in the door, then put the rest of my stuff up higher. It also has a cool feature, if you leave the door open, it makes a noise to let you know. This is great with kids!
Yeserday, after the fridge came we headed to the thrift store looking for an ottoman. I have a cushy chair to put in my bedroom when the baby comes, so that I can nurse, but needed some kindof ottoman to put my feet up. I've been known to fall asleep nursing:) Anyways, I found one for $13. Now I just have to get hubby to start moving furniture around for me. He refuses to let me help...
Today as soon as we got to church Brandon threw up in the parking lot. This "strange bug" is still hanging around I guess. They had this last weekend, were perfectly fine all week, and today it showed up outta nowhere. So, I went and did SS while hubby took Brandon and they came and picked us up an hour later and we came home. We all came home and took naps. After our nap, I called mom and she and I headed to Sprout's Farmers Market to do some grocery shopping.
I've been so achy the last two days. I also feel like I've gained 10lbs this last week but have gained nothing, actually lost another lb. I could barely get my pantyhose on today and I'm now officially a "waddler". This means the end is coming! I sure hope I can make it ANOTHER 9 weeks, I've run out of room...hubby says I always say that. I think it's really true this time though:)
I was a little bad on food tonight. Hubby brought home leftovers from his OSHA class yesterday.
Breakfast: 1 Eggo waffle on the fly
Lunch: leftover steak, broccoli & cauliflower w/cheese sauce, 1 small piece french bread
Dinner: 1/2 burrito from Chipotle (black beans, lettuce, cheese, guacamole)
Dessert: cinnamon roll
Beverages: 3 bottles water, 2 bottles iced tea.
Breakfast: nothing
Lunch: 2/3 of a taco salad
Dinner: small steak, 1/2 small baked potatoe, broccoli & cauliflower w/cheese sauce, 1 piece french bread
Beverages: 3 bottles water, 2 bottles iced tea
My Dr was a little concerned that I had lost weight. She doesn't want me losing but doesn't want me gaining either. Looks like I can't please her. I'm just going to eat as healthy as possible and call it good.
Yeserday, after the fridge came we headed to the thrift store looking for an ottoman. I have a cushy chair to put in my bedroom when the baby comes, so that I can nurse, but needed some kindof ottoman to put my feet up. I've been known to fall asleep nursing:) Anyways, I found one for $13. Now I just have to get hubby to start moving furniture around for me. He refuses to let me help...
Today as soon as we got to church Brandon threw up in the parking lot. This "strange bug" is still hanging around I guess. They had this last weekend, were perfectly fine all week, and today it showed up outta nowhere. So, I went and did SS while hubby took Brandon and they came and picked us up an hour later and we came home. We all came home and took naps. After our nap, I called mom and she and I headed to Sprout's Farmers Market to do some grocery shopping.
I've been so achy the last two days. I also feel like I've gained 10lbs this last week but have gained nothing, actually lost another lb. I could barely get my pantyhose on today and I'm now officially a "waddler". This means the end is coming! I sure hope I can make it ANOTHER 9 weeks, I've run out of room...hubby says I always say that. I think it's really true this time though:)
I was a little bad on food tonight. Hubby brought home leftovers from his OSHA class yesterday.
Breakfast: 1 Eggo waffle on the fly
Lunch: leftover steak, broccoli & cauliflower w/cheese sauce, 1 small piece french bread
Dinner: 1/2 burrito from Chipotle (black beans, lettuce, cheese, guacamole)
Dessert: cinnamon roll
Beverages: 3 bottles water, 2 bottles iced tea.
Breakfast: nothing
Lunch: 2/3 of a taco salad
Dinner: small steak, 1/2 small baked potatoe, broccoli & cauliflower w/cheese sauce, 1 piece french bread
Beverages: 3 bottles water, 2 bottles iced tea
My Dr was a little concerned that I had lost weight. She doesn't want me losing but doesn't want me gaining either. Looks like I can't please her. I'm just going to eat as healthy as possible and call it good.
Well after seeking advice from my Pa, we decided to go ahead and get a new fridge. We're now the proud owners of a new Kenmore, upright, freezer on the bottom, bright white box to keep our food in:) It's supposed to be delivered on Saturday. I've gotta clean out the broken one tomorrow. Yuck!
Hannah had piano today.
Well, that's about it! Fun day, heh?
Breakfast: corn flakes and milk (my almost 5 yo made it for me and brought it to me in bed)
Lunch: 1/2 tuna sandwich
Dinner: caesar salad w/blackened chicken
Snack: 4 strawberries and some kettle corn (borderline junkfood, I know)
I've lost another lb so I figured I better throw in a little extra food. I've been working hard on not "mindlessly" eating and just eating my 3 meals and maybe a snack or two if I need it but I'm losing weight and I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing. Maintaining was fine but losing is another thing....
Hannah had piano today.
Well, that's about it! Fun day, heh?
Breakfast: corn flakes and milk (my almost 5 yo made it for me and brought it to me in bed)
Lunch: 1/2 tuna sandwich
Dinner: caesar salad w/blackened chicken
Snack: 4 strawberries and some kettle corn (borderline junkfood, I know)
I've lost another lb so I figured I better throw in a little extra food. I've been working hard on not "mindlessly" eating and just eating my 3 meals and maybe a snack or two if I need it but I'm losing weight and I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing. Maintaining was fine but losing is another thing....
Tonight I headed out after dinner to get Matty some pullups. He still needs them for nightime. I also had to get me some tylenol. I had a headache all day but was out of tylenol.
Got home and discovered that our fridge is not working. The motor come on but not the compressor and it's definately not cold. Soooo, I packed up all the important freezer stuff and brought it over to Mom's to put in her freezer till we get our fixed or whatever. I ended up visiting with mom for a couple of hours. I hadn't seen her for a week and a half so we were due for a chat. After that I headed to the gas station to pick up some ice to hopefully keep our milk cold enough for the kids to use tomorrow for breakfast and keep the mayonaise from spoiling.
I'm going to try cleaning the coils on the back of the fridge tomorrow but I have a feeling that the compressor's gone. Not sure if it's worth fixing or we should just get a new fridge. I think this fridge is about 6-7 years old.
Got home and discovered that our fridge is not working. The motor come on but not the compressor and it's definately not cold. Soooo, I packed up all the important freezer stuff and brought it over to Mom's to put in her freezer till we get our fixed or whatever. I ended up visiting with mom for a couple of hours. I hadn't seen her for a week and a half so we were due for a chat. After that I headed to the gas station to pick up some ice to hopefully keep our milk cold enough for the kids to use tomorrow for breakfast and keep the mayonaise from spoiling.
I'm going to try cleaning the coils on the back of the fridge tomorrow but I have a feeling that the compressor's gone. Not sure if it's worth fixing or we should just get a new fridge. I think this fridge is about 6-7 years old.
Yesterday I had my Dr's appt. I've LOST 4 lbs since last month's appt. I'm not worried since I know most of it was water weight and I'm not retaining much now that I've cut sugar. Other than that things look good. My bp was 117/74 and the baby is measuring right on schedule. The Dr thinks she's breech right now but says she has 6 weeks to turn. I hope she does, don't want my last birth to be a C-section!
Had AWANA last night. Next week we have a break because it's spring break for the schools. Then after that, we only have 6 weeks left! I think all of the kids are through their books so now they're all on review and that's not neccessary for awards night.
Yesterday one of my friends from church told me that they wanted to throw me a baby shower. I love the idea of all us ladies getting together but I *so* hate being the center of attention or being put on the spot. Also, since I really don't like telling people what we "need" and such, I just hate the idea of people buying stuff for us, I've gotten pretty much everything already. She understood but suggested they throw me a "diaper shower" where they bring diapers, wipes, and such. That sounded like a good idea to me and I'm looking forward to a get-together with the ladies at church.
I think I'm going to tackle some of the house today. We'll see how far I get...
Yesterday's food:
Breakfast: raisin bran w/skim milk
Lunch: small steak (leftovers) and 1 1/2 cups greenbeans
Snack: string cheese
Dinner: Cobb salad
Snack: cheerios w/milk
Breakfast: grapenuts w/milk
Lunch: fajita fixin's w/ 1 tortilla
Dinner: Fajitas again w/green salad
Snack: pistachios or string cheese (if needed)
Had AWANA last night. Next week we have a break because it's spring break for the schools. Then after that, we only have 6 weeks left! I think all of the kids are through their books so now they're all on review and that's not neccessary for awards night.
Yesterday one of my friends from church told me that they wanted to throw me a baby shower. I love the idea of all us ladies getting together but I *so* hate being the center of attention or being put on the spot. Also, since I really don't like telling people what we "need" and such, I just hate the idea of people buying stuff for us, I've gotten pretty much everything already. She understood but suggested they throw me a "diaper shower" where they bring diapers, wipes, and such. That sounded like a good idea to me and I'm looking forward to a get-together with the ladies at church.
I think I'm going to tackle some of the house today. We'll see how far I get...
Yesterday's food:
Breakfast: raisin bran w/skim milk
Lunch: small steak (leftovers) and 1 1/2 cups greenbeans
Snack: string cheese
Dinner: Cobb salad
Snack: cheerios w/milk
Breakfast: grapenuts w/milk
Lunch: fajita fixin's w/ 1 tortilla
Dinner: Fajitas again w/green salad
Snack: pistachios or string cheese (if needed)
Saturday I had a very hard time getting to sleep, I think I only got about 3 hours or so. I made it through SS and church with no problems though!
After church we came home and ate lunch and I planned on taking a nap. Hubby threw me a curveball. He knows that my mind has been preoccupied on the last few things that I needed to get for the baby so he offered to go and get them yesterday. Wow, wasn't expecting that! It worked out good since Babies R Us had a sale that started yesterday plus since we spent over $70 we got a free umbrella stroller. Now I've got that *nesty* feeling and want to start moving furniture and cleaning and such. Went to evening service last night since I was *only* tired, wasn't sick or anything. Left church feeling sooooo sick. In fact hubby said I was "warm", I didn't take my temp or anything. It's hubby's month to count offerings so we didn't end up leaving until 8:30, church was over at 7. Got home and hubby set me up on the couch so that we could watch The Apprentice together while he got a couple of things done. I fell asleep at the very end and woke up when he headed to bed at 11. I slept in a little this morning and am feeling much better:)
Friday and part of Saturday was spent working on Megan's mary jane booties. I got about 2/3 done with the first one and then realized I wasn't doing the stitch correctly. Looked it up on the internet to confirm my suspicions and woefully ripped it all out. I redid it Saturday evening and it's looking much better! Oh, I also found the baby pink yarn that I needed on Saturday at a different Joann's so now she will have both pink and white shoes, not just white. They were out of most of the colors the night before at the other Joann's. I'll post a pic as I get them done...
Jake threw up in his bed Saturday night, we didn't find out until Sunday morning when we went to wake them up for church. He hadn't eaten his dinner the night before, only the soda, and then later had some peanut M and M's so I figured it was the "junkfood on an empty stomach" bug. Then last night Brandon woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. I just spent a good hour up there cleaning their beds and the carpet and "liberally applying" that enzyme cleaner that I got way back when we were potty training Penny. Fun!
Yesterday's food:
Breakfast: string cheese (that's all I had time for we were running late)
Lunch: 1/2 ham sandwich, 2 oz cheddar w/apple slices
Dinner: burrito at Chipotle (grilled chicken, black beans, cheese, lettuce, sour cream), iced tea
Beverages: 3 bottles water and iced tea-lightly sweetened
Today's food:
Breakfast: Bran cereal with a few raisins added and skim milk
Lunch: ham sandwich, small salad w/no dressing
Snack: sliced almonds, stringcheese
Dinner: steak on bbq, jicama salad (jicama, almonds, raisins, mayo), and steamed broccoli
Beverages: 4 bottles water and decaf iced tea sweetened-lightly sweetened
After church we came home and ate lunch and I planned on taking a nap. Hubby threw me a curveball. He knows that my mind has been preoccupied on the last few things that I needed to get for the baby so he offered to go and get them yesterday. Wow, wasn't expecting that! It worked out good since Babies R Us had a sale that started yesterday plus since we spent over $70 we got a free umbrella stroller. Now I've got that *nesty* feeling and want to start moving furniture and cleaning and such. Went to evening service last night since I was *only* tired, wasn't sick or anything. Left church feeling sooooo sick. In fact hubby said I was "warm", I didn't take my temp or anything. It's hubby's month to count offerings so we didn't end up leaving until 8:30, church was over at 7. Got home and hubby set me up on the couch so that we could watch The Apprentice together while he got a couple of things done. I fell asleep at the very end and woke up when he headed to bed at 11. I slept in a little this morning and am feeling much better:)
Friday and part of Saturday was spent working on Megan's mary jane booties. I got about 2/3 done with the first one and then realized I wasn't doing the stitch correctly. Looked it up on the internet to confirm my suspicions and woefully ripped it all out. I redid it Saturday evening and it's looking much better! Oh, I also found the baby pink yarn that I needed on Saturday at a different Joann's so now she will have both pink and white shoes, not just white. They were out of most of the colors the night before at the other Joann's. I'll post a pic as I get them done...
Jake threw up in his bed Saturday night, we didn't find out until Sunday morning when we went to wake them up for church. He hadn't eaten his dinner the night before, only the soda, and then later had some peanut M and M's so I figured it was the "junkfood on an empty stomach" bug. Then last night Brandon woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. I just spent a good hour up there cleaning their beds and the carpet and "liberally applying" that enzyme cleaner that I got way back when we were potty training Penny. Fun!
Yesterday's food:
Breakfast: string cheese (that's all I had time for we were running late)
Lunch: 1/2 ham sandwich, 2 oz cheddar w/apple slices
Dinner: burrito at Chipotle (grilled chicken, black beans, cheese, lettuce, sour cream), iced tea
Beverages: 3 bottles water and iced tea-lightly sweetened
Today's food:
Breakfast: Bran cereal with a few raisins added and skim milk
Lunch: ham sandwich, small salad w/no dressing
Snack: sliced almonds, stringcheese
Dinner: steak on bbq, jicama salad (jicama, almonds, raisins, mayo), and steamed broccoli
Beverages: 4 bottles water and decaf iced tea sweetened-lightly sweetened
I am so stir crazy and bored. I don't know what's wrong with me! That's why I've been blogging alot lately-I'm BORED!
Tonight I made a really quick dinner of tacos. Then hubby and the kids watched "Zoom" and I headed to Joann's. They had a couple of different things on sale that I've been keeping my eye on. I spent a good 2 hours there and ended up with a crochet pattern book with baby booties in it and all the yarn and stuff needed to make a couple of pairs of shoes for the baby. I've been wanting to make Megan some "Mary Jane" booties to go with her dresses for church and I finally found a pattern for them! It also has a pattern for some "sandals" and then some really girly, lacy booties that I'll put a ribbon rose on. We'll see how many pairs I actually get made since it's made with really thin/tiny cotton yarn and the stitches are soooo small. The one I started tonight is coming along nicely so far though, we'll see! I'll at least get the Mary Janes done.
After Joann's I stopped at the video store and picked up Stranger Than Fiction for me and hubby. I'm NOT a Will Ferrill fan at all, but this movie was ok.
Tonight I made a really quick dinner of tacos. Then hubby and the kids watched "Zoom" and I headed to Joann's. They had a couple of different things on sale that I've been keeping my eye on. I spent a good 2 hours there and ended up with a crochet pattern book with baby booties in it and all the yarn and stuff needed to make a couple of pairs of shoes for the baby. I've been wanting to make Megan some "Mary Jane" booties to go with her dresses for church and I finally found a pattern for them! It also has a pattern for some "sandals" and then some really girly, lacy booties that I'll put a ribbon rose on. We'll see how many pairs I actually get made since it's made with really thin/tiny cotton yarn and the stitches are soooo small. The one I started tonight is coming along nicely so far though, we'll see! I'll at least get the Mary Janes done.
After Joann's I stopped at the video store and picked up Stranger Than Fiction for me and hubby. I'm NOT a Will Ferrill fan at all, but this movie was ok.
I just read the first paragraph and needed to clarify something. We knew we weren't going to spend her giftcard at Sport's Authority but I told her that if she found something "better" there that I'd give her the $30 in cash and then I'd just use her giftcard for things I usually buy at Walmart, like tp, cleaners, and such. She was really wanting a bowling ball at first and I knew Target didn't carry them....we got a much better deal on those rollerblades at Taget though! The cheapest pair at SA were $34.99, we got hers for $14.99! Big difference!
I just read the first paragraph and needed to clarify something. We knew we weren't going to spend her giftcard at Sport's Authority but I told her that if she found something "better" there that I'd give her the $30 in cash and then I'd just use her giftcard for things I usually buy at Walmart, like tp, cleaners, and such. She was really wanting a bowling ball at first and I knew Target didn't carry them....we got a much better deal on those rollerblades at Taget though! The cheapest pair at SA were $34.99, we got hers for $14.99! Big difference!
Yesterday we had our monthly park day with our homeschool group. I just love how all of the kids get along with each other so well and actually enjoy playing with each other. A couple of the kids brought rollerblades with them. Hannah decided when we left the park that she wanted to see how much they cost so that she could use her Target giftcard to buy them. She also wanted to check into the cost of a bowling ball. So, after the park we headed to Sport's Authority to check out bowling balls and rollerblades. We didn't have much luck there, so we met hubby at Target since he was getting off of work. She was able to get a size adjustable pair of rollerblades for *only* $14.99 and was able to get a helmet and padding set with the rest of her money. So, today after lunch we're heading outside to learn how to rollerskate. I'm going to clean out the van as well. Right now it's a MESS!
One little vent I've got. Nothing too major but I'm just so sick of turning in movie rentals and them not getting checked in! We've had it happen at least 4 times in a row with Hollywood Video and then the I got a notice yesterday from the library that we still had a Veggie Tales DVD out. I KNOW I turned it in, I made a special trip just to drop off the 5 movies that we borrowed. They put a "Search" out for it, but I'm irritated that they wanted to turn me in to a collection agency for a movie I've returned already!
Last night I decided was THE night to name the baby. I just couldn't stand not having a name for her. I had posted before that her "official" name was Emilie Rose. Well, there seemed to be some dissention in the family. I kept trying to convince myself that Violet was THE name but it just wasn't working for me. So, last night I read all of the posts from my online homeschool group, I had requested their help. Then, I spent another 1 1/2 hours scouring the baby naming lists and came across the Baby Name Genie and we've come up with our OFFICIAL baby name.
Megan Elizabeth
We got that "name click" when we (me and hubby) were talking about it. This is "her" name, so I can rest easy now LOL. Now I just can't wait to meet her sometime in the next 10 weeks!!!
One little vent I've got. Nothing too major but I'm just so sick of turning in movie rentals and them not getting checked in! We've had it happen at least 4 times in a row with Hollywood Video and then the I got a notice yesterday from the library that we still had a Veggie Tales DVD out. I KNOW I turned it in, I made a special trip just to drop off the 5 movies that we borrowed. They put a "Search" out for it, but I'm irritated that they wanted to turn me in to a collection agency for a movie I've returned already!
Last night I decided was THE night to name the baby. I just couldn't stand not having a name for her. I had posted before that her "official" name was Emilie Rose. Well, there seemed to be some dissention in the family. I kept trying to convince myself that Violet was THE name but it just wasn't working for me. So, last night I read all of the posts from my online homeschool group, I had requested their help. Then, I spent another 1 1/2 hours scouring the baby naming lists and came across the Baby Name Genie and we've come up with our OFFICIAL baby name.
Megan Elizabeth
We got that "name click" when we (me and hubby) were talking about it. This is "her" name, so I can rest easy now LOL. Now I just can't wait to meet her sometime in the next 10 weeks!!!
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