
Yesterday I was so bummed. It was overcast, there were nothing but depressing things on the news, and I failed my 28-week glucose test. Hubby was sweet and took us out to mexican for dinner so I didn't have to cook though. Mondays are "kids eat free" so it costs as much as us all eating at McD's. We had a police officer shot and killed here yesterday over a traffic stop. This always shakes me up as my dad is a traffic cop and was in a shootout a couple of years ago. He didn't get hurt, but the other person did, and it was real hard on him and shook our whole family up. Also, one of my hubby's employees (former now!) is in jail for murder and they just found the body of the girl he killed 3 weeks ago, yesterday. This world is just getting so wicked. Makes me sick to my stomach!
I'd say what I used to say, "I'm gonna' become Amish." but after the shooting in that Amish community 9 months ago I can't even say that anymore. So, I'll have to trust God and fight the urge to hole up in my house forever, never letting my kids leave home....

Anyone out there ever get gestational diabetes? My Dr. has already been hounding me about my weight gain from the beginning and I'm sure she's going to give me an earful if I fail the 3-hour test as well. I told hubby he's got to look into getting a treadmill or gym membership again. I'm leaning toward the treadmill right now since it's such an event to load everyone up to go to the gym. I'd go walking during the day but I'm too preoccupied keeping everyone with me that it's just too stressful and hubby doesn't get home until after dark, not walking in the dark around here, I watch the news ya know;) And as for my diet, I'm not sitting around with a bag of chips or anything. Not sure what else I can do in that dept. except maybe cutting out the soda and other sugary stuff. (crossing my eyes here) Only 12 weeks to go....



Me said...

I recommend an elliptical trainer over a treadmill. It has a lot less impact on your joints but pushes you harder (cardio). So, incase you ever have injuries this will be something you can do usually before a treadmill (I can run on the elliptical but not on the treadmill).
As for gestational diabetes- can't help you there. But my friend Monica has delt with it (she's on my extrapounds friends list) and so has my friend Leigh Anne.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I've had gestational diabetes - twice.

Things I remember - but I'm sure your doc will discuss with you. Exercising (even a moderate walk) helps regulate blood sugar. Yes, sodas and sugar are out. I also had to cut out all fruit juices. Watch the fruit too....try to eat protein with the fruit and that often helps. Also some folks can handle fruit at different times of the day - which you learn as you take your sugar readings. Protein is a slow digester and will help your sugars stay level. Veggies are great. Whole grains and such are better than white....converts to glucose slower....

Really - it's the "way we should all be eating" - how many times have I heard this??? ::snort:: Both with the diabetes and the cholesterol.