I keep checking on here and haven't seen an update! How was the birthday? Hope all is well, just wanted to stop in quickly here at work! Have a great day! ~B
is a friendly and encouraging blog dedicated to helping you on your weightloss journey.
You don't need to follow a specific diet or excercise program to join.
We simply want to encourage each other to get healthy and live healthy!
To join simply go to tickerfactory.com and create a weightloss ticker for yourself. Be sure to make it "small" so it can fit in the sidebar.
Then, email me the code along with your name and blog and/or email address and a short intro. about yourself to jenlovestoquilt (at) hotmail (dot) com.
I keep checking on here and haven't seen an update!
How was the birthday?
Hope all is well, just wanted to stop in quickly here at work! Have a great day!
These places sound so fun to me. I've never been to one...but some day...surely...some day.
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