
Yesterday we all woke up officially sick with something "new". This is the 3rd round of illness we've had in the last 3 weeks, argh....

Mom came over yesterday and we made her her birthday cake and sang happy birthday "sparki-way" and gave her the candles we had gotten for her. Her birthday was actually Tuesday but she never came over and I kept thinking it was yesterday anyways so it all worked out. Brandon threw up his dinner, so we all chilled the rest of the night.

Oh, my hubbys does come home tonight and we're all excited. Matty (almost 3) doesn't understand why/where daddy has been. Last night I told him daddy would call us when he got done with dinner and he said, "We have dinner with daddy?!?". He wanted to go meet daddy at whatever restaurant he was at.... anyways, he comes home tonight and tonight's movie night so we'll spend tonight chillin' as well.

Yesterday was Becky's birthday! WOOHOO, Happy Birthday!! I don't know about you, but I'm not liking that the "big 3-0" is coming up so quickly. Maybe it has something to do with that gray hair I found a couple of weeks ago....



DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Jen....there are these little bottles that help one deal with grey hair and other than that I've not found to much to dislike about the 30's or the 40's. LOL

Sorry to hear your little ones are ill. Mine are generously sharing with each other despite my best efforst at germ warfare.

Glad your dh will be home tonight - that makes me smile.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Are you all still sick?????

We are on the mend.