
Here are some updates. I've not been on the internet much at all, and really not been motivated to blog. Forgive me:)

First thing's first, Mom got that job that she wanted yesterday!!! She doesn't start for two weeks, which is kindof rough moneywise, but it's a GREAT thing none the less!

Hannah had her sewing contest judging and awards luncheon on Saturday and she won 2nd place for the Preteens division!

She did the skirt by herself and me and mom did the vest for her.

She won 4 yards of wool fabric and a sewing kit and giftbag FULL of stuff!

It was a great day. She's already dreaming about next year....we might be in Albuquerque by then, but she can dream for now.

We've been keeping up with school. Still have not made a decision about Brandon's curriculum but will soon. He's really motivated to learn to read now so I'm going to try and use that momentum...

I got my Thanksgiving menu done yesterday, actually the next two weeks' worth or meals, and then went grocery shopping last night. I'm going to attempt to make my own pies this year, should be interesting! De'Etta, I'm going to do your honey-pecan pie and I'm also going to do a chocolate pudding w/bananas and whipped cream pie for my mom and hubby. Here's what our Thanksgiving looks like this year:

Veggie plate,black olives,pickles,crackers, etc. w/ranch dip while dinner cooks


Mashed potatoes and gravy

Apple/raisin stuffing

Greenbean Supreme

Pistachio salad


Pecan pie

Chocolate/banana pudding pie



Lexie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I hope you are well enough to simply enjoy the time with your family.

Blessings, Mlpinky

PS. I love the non-common names. I liked the name violet you mentioned. As for a boys name... I like older names like Wesley, Justin, or Joel.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Glad to see you back. I was starting to worry...it's the mama genes. LOL

Pray you are feeling better. Don't overdue with the Holiday.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oops - forgot to say that Hannah looks darling in her outfit. Way to go, Hannah! YOu all must be very proud of her.