
Well today was my first "real" day of morning sickness. No throwing up yet but I expect that that should be following shortly. I remember when I was pg with my last one, they had just come out with those Guacamole Doritos, you know, the GREEN ones! I had been wanting to try them so badly so I attempted, but never made it, my hand was literally shaking as I was bringing it to my mouth! I had to wait a couple of months to join in on that fun. They're not that great by the way, I really didn't miss anything!

I ended up taking a long nap today. I really wish I didn't *have* to, because it's such an interuption to our day, but I can hardly make a day without at least a small one. I've had insomnia for*ever* and I'm just stuck in this cycle. At least my kids are still young enough to take a nap or have quiet time too still. What am I gonna do when they're older? We'll see.

Tonight I took Penny to "class" at Petsmart. The teacher absolutely LOVES her and told me tonight that she's the "best" one in our class. Not bragging because it's really not from me. Bassett's are just ruled by their tummy's and if they can do something to get a treat, they'll do it! She really is a good dog though. She's really eager to please, her nose just gets her into trouble sometimes.

Well, that's it for today! Tomorrow night and Saturday we having a "Couple's Conference" at church that covers marriage and the family. I'm really looking forward to it, I've been trying to grow in a couple of areas, and I'm eager for what God is going to teach me/us this weekend:)

Jen ºÜº


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first day of morning sickness. This is a great sign. LOL

I really thought I'd be pregnant when Mike deployed...this is the first time in our marriage that I KNOW without a doubt that I won't be pregnant for at least 6 months....I've determined that I need to work on discipline and get in shape to try to avoid the bed rest/eclampsia next time around....but I really wish I was sick with you. LOL


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Penny on being "best in class"! Also congrats on your morning sickness but also hope it eases up for you! Better stay away from funky colored or smelling foods for awhile, LOL.

Jodi from SHS