
Ugh! I feel HORRIBLE today. The kids were sick last weekend, I think I have that now and I'm so nausious which I'm guessing is the baby. I have a horrible headache and took my "allowable" pg dosage of tylenol but that barely did anything. We have that conference tonight and tomorrow too. I was hoping to be feeling well enough to actually learn something, right now I'm thinking I'll be suffering through it...

I did this name thing off of De'Etta's blog. I couldn't just copy and paste the code because it "wigged" out my blog but I'll at least do the acronym. Becky, what do you think, is it me???


J is for Jealous
E is for Enlightened
N is for Nice
N is for Nutty
I is for Industrious
F is for Fearless
E is for Extreme
R is for Relaxed

If you want to do this quiz go HERE

Have fun!
Jen {:P


Me said...

Jealous? Extreme? No - try using your other name - that might be more of a "fitting"

Me said...

Jealous? Extreme? No - try using your other name - that might be more of a "fitting"

Me said...

Took the quiz and I am:
B: Bubbly (mostly in the brain)
E: Enchanting (more like "wierd")
C: Cultured (you have got to be KIDDING ME....)
K: Kind (yeah, I like to brag...)
Y: Young (uh... no)

I'm More Than a Number said...


I tried Mindy and all I remember was that the "Y" came up "Yummy". Now that I think about it, I guess that IS fitting considering I like food so much, LOL. I guess my middle name is YUMMY.
