
This weekend was spent hunting down maternity clothes for me and dress (work) clothes for my dh. Maternity clothes are sooo expensive! I decided to not go the thrift store route because even though the clothes from there are still in fairly good shape, I don't think they would last me 9 months. In the past I've just gone to that maternity store in the mall and gotten 3-4 pairs of pants/shorts and then like 4-5 shirts and called it good. I had a really hard time finding clothes to fit me this time. They are all cut different and more "stylish" than I'm used to (g). Also, everything right now is sleeveless and I just don't "do" sleeveless. When our weekend was all said and done I ended up with 7 t-shirts, 3 "nice" shirts, 3 pairs pants, and 3 skirts. I'm pretty happy about my purchases and bargain-shopped as much as possible.

I also about two weeks ago, decided I'm getting "old woman's" feet (VBG). I'm one of those people who absolutely HATES wearing shoes and if I have to they have to be something like sandals or "keds". Well, recently my feet have been just hurting after we get home. I can barely walk on my right one, it feels kindof like a stress fracture or something. So, I bought myself my first "nice" pair of tennis shoes. I had a cheap Walmart pair for the gym but they had no support and were just strictly for working out. So today was spent shopping in my new "Nikes" and my feet didn't hurt at all when I got home! WOOHOO! So, against my wishes but out of neccessity, I'm now a "tennis shoe wearer".

Tonight, I "broke" the news to my Dad and Michelle. Wasn't sure what their reaction would be, but they were both excited, or at least happy. They are the first ones to "know". I will probably tell my Mom the next time I see her but will delay telling any of our other family. I'm even afraid to tell the kids right now. Since it's still so early, there's still a chance of m/c at this point (I've had one before) and I don't want to get their hopes up. Don't know how long I can hold out though as I'm just not good at keeping secrets! My oldest might be on to me though, she was reading all the t'shirts that said "BABY" or "Hot Mama" on the front in rhinestones, and said, "What are you having a baby or something?" and then walked off to find daddy. BTW, I did NOT buy one of those rhinestone t-shirts! Although, I DO live in Phoenix, maybe THAT'S what the "Hot Mama" meant....I am considering making one for myself that says, "Watermelon Smuggler" on the front. Saw those on eBay and thought they were cute....

We had a HUGE rain/thunderstorm again last night. Lightening struck the grocery store's lightpost a block away and fried the whole lighting system for their parking lot. Today we just had some heavy winds and there was lightening off in the distance but nothing major here. This week however, it is supposed to storm for the next 7 days at least! I'm on cloud nine. Last Summer we literally had I think 2 days of rain. Then is sprinkled enough to "register" as rain sometime in October, then it didn't rain until like April or May of this year! We've been CRAVING rain! It's so refreshing when you haven't had it for so long...

One funny story for you and one of those "cute things kids say" things....when I got home from church today my 4 yo came running out to show me what he found at the park this morning.....his armful of "pokie-pines". He was carrying an armful of "pinecones". I think we'll paint them green and glue some beads on them and make them "Christmas trees".

The kids had gone to bed last night with runny noses so they stayed home with daddy this morning. He took them to the park since they really weren't sick this morning after they got up and got moving. I hate when that happens. The kids are not feeling well, you hmmm and ahhh over whether they are "sick enough" to stay home, you make the decision to keep them home, then they are fine! Oh well. To tell you the truth, the only reason I went to church today was because I had a SS class to teach. The morning sickness is starting and I just didn't feel like corraling 2 & 3 yo's this morning. You know what though, I had no class! Everyone was absent today. I also didn't have anyone in nursery, so I actually got to go to the adult SS class and church service this morning. That was a treat, I'm glad I decided to go.

Ok, enough rambling for now! I really wrote a book about nothing much, VBG. If you made it this far, WOW! Ok, off to read your all's blogs!

Jen ºÜº

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