
This morning I woke up feeling pretty spunky. I started a roast in the crockpot and got the kitchen picked up and checked emails/blogs, then I felt sick. So I laid down for about 2 hours on the couch. I've also had this terrible headache for about 2 weeks now. I got this timely newletter in my inbox this morning telling me that headaches are common just like morning sickness from the hormonal changes. After my 2 hour rest it went away, and without tylenol!

My 2 yo Matty decided that he wanted to pray for breakfast this morning. This is his prayer, "D Low, ehh ahh buh, ehh eee do, bee t bdee, MEN!". I roughly translated is as, "Dear Lord, thank you for this food, please bless it to our bodies. In Jesus name, Amen!". Two year olds are so cute!

Oh, and this totally made my week last week. Whenever Matty wants me to pick him up and hug him, he's started saying, "hold me, mommy". When I was a teenager, there was a little 2 yo boy that I babysat that would say that, and I just thought it was the MOST adorable thing. Of course it made me dream of the day that I had my own littles and the cute things that they would say. And now MY little is saying the same cute things that I always found cute when other kids said them. Life is good:) There's a song that I've heard before that says "Life aint always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride." Isn't that the truth? There will always be hardships but there are ALWAYS blessings as well, we just have to look for them....

Jen ºÜº

BTW, Becky I answered some of your comments in the comments section. How's your WW going? Not trying to bug you, just still pondering whether I want to do it or not:) Seeing if you can do it first!

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