
Nothing too interesting happened today. I was sick most of the day. I had 3 days of m/s reprieve and was hoping it would last but came back today, and with a vengeance. We did get school done today and we got the house picked up a little bit. Still working our way up to really cleaning the upstairs, it's a total wreck right now. I'm basically in "survival mode" though right now and feel it a good day if we can just get school done and the house picked up before daddy gets home.

I went grocery shopping tonight after dinner. Really it was quite hard to grocery shop while feeling like you want to throw up but I made it:) I did almost excuse myself to go to the restroom while the clerk was checking our my groceries. How embarrasing that would have been....

Came home and my 2 y.o. helped me unload the car. He was acting so "big and tough" that he could carry things for me. He also helped me put things away. I think I'm closest to him than any of the other kids, we just really get along so well. He's also my "happy boy", he's always smiling and in a good mood-he's just the "sunshine of my life". I know that sounds corny but it's true. I have very good relationships with my other kids too, it's just that Me and Matty have something "special".

You know how I posted last night about how I was crying over Extreme Home Makeover, I did it again tonight with Wife Swap. I really don't watch that show much but there's been some talk of it on a group that I'm in so I was curious. I started crying when the couples were reunited and then again when the adults were admitting things that they would change and how much the show helped them- can anyone say HORMONES?!? I'm such a wreck right now LOL.

I'm planning on calling tomorrow and making an appointment for my first visit. I'll finally be able to see how the baby's doing:) I think it will help me emotionally too. Right now I'm kindof in the "I feel horrible" "I feel fat" "I'm really tired" "I'm an emotional wreck" "Because supposedly I'm having a baby" thing right now. It's hard to feel an emotional connection with something that you can't feel kicking yet, and you haven't heard the heartbeat of or seen on the u/s screen yet. Almost like it's not "real", and I just feel lousy. I'm hoping things will "click" when I have that first appointment and that my excitement and anticipation will start to overshadow the "blahs" I'm feeling. Right now I'm just in survival mode....

Jen ºÜº

1 comment:

Me said...

Some of us are always an emotional wreck when it comes to those shows.... not sure what will happen the day I do get pregnant and the emotions will be much more amplified (hubby already teases me about my built in "sprinkler system"). Another tear jerker is Covershot on TLC, well a lot of the shows on TLC are that way.