
"Where have you been!?!"

For those of you that don't know already, I left Thursday for a 5-day trip up to Wa. My Grandma has lung cancer and we thought she was very "close" to passing. Thank goodness things are better and she is doing very well right now. She's still "terminal" but she has months left not weeks....

I had a pretty good visit with family. My Pa and Michelle were down, my uncle flew in from Tx, and Grandma was up a moving around. Yesterday right before we left for the airport, Gram was strong enough to hold Hailey up and they were smiling and loving on each other. Very precious. Should have gotten pics of that but didn't want to disrupt them or distract Hailey.

Our family could use some prayer though right now. There are some very real problems within the family that we are trying to resolve. Can't go into details but it actually affects Grandma's level of care greatly. Thanks.

Anyways, I've got some pics from my trip that I'll post later tonight. I had fun playing photographer:)

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Praying for your family and glad you got to go visit.