We're trying to get Hannah's sewing project done for the contest, we have to turn it in by the 1st.
I've been able to keep up on the house a bit, only lacking in the laundry department. I can get it washed, but folded and put away is another story...
Today I had my OB apointment. Everything looks good. I guess it's still to early to "hear" the heartbeat so I didn't get to hear it today. I was able to get a prescription for albuterol as my asthma has been acting up the last week or so. I've been using Matt's nebulizer, but she prescribed an inhaler for me so I'm not stuck to the neb for 10mins every 4 hours.
One funny that I wanted to share. Hopefully it comes across as "funny" as it was in person. We've been having trouble with Jake hanging over the banister upstairs to look down. If he were to fall it would be a good 12-15 foot drop onto the ceramic tile below, very scary. He did it again the other night and me and hubby called him down to have a "serious" talk with him about just how dangerous it is and how he could die like our doggie Oscar and never see us again, etc..... Then Hannah pipes up and says, verbatum "Yeah, and you would die and go to hell because you're not saved yet." Me and hubby just kindof sat there stunned then started laughing. Nothing like a little "hellfire and brimstone" heh??? Little kids can be so tactful :)
Jen ºÜº
De'Etta to answer your tie-dying questions. Yes you rubberband them and them squirt/saturate the areas where you want the dye. You can probably google and get patterns for folding and twisting and such plus where to put the different colors to achieve a certain pattern. I think your kids could do it with supervision from you. Hannah (7 1/2) and Brandon (6) did their's all by themselves I helped Jacob (4 1/2) with his and did Matthew's (2 3/4) as he was not interested in it. What I would do is soak and wring out all the pieces in the soda ash solution, take them over to a tarp and have everyone lay them down, then I'd "help" each one in turn. It's not labor intensive but the dyes are definately permanant so you want to make sure they aren't getting "crazy" with them. Also, make sure you're all wearing clothes that won't matter if they get dye on them!
Jen ºÜº
Jen ºÜº

We hit the library with my mom. I stressed out way too much. I then remembered WHY we don't go to the library. The kids got some great books though. I picked up a "Hank the Cowdog" book that I've heard about many times. I just happened to walk by them and thought we'd give them a try:)
The boys got books on sharks and cars. Matty just kindof grabbed things. Hannah got some more "Biscuit the dog" books which she is just loving as she can read them all by herself pretty easily. Reading is always fun when it's not too much work...
After that, we headed to Michael's to pick up some embossing powder and embossing stamp pad. I had a 40% off coupon and so I got the $5.99 stamp pad instead of the "cheaper" one since it also had a refill attached to it. When I got up to the register and the boy rang me up, it rang up for $.01! Needless to say, I was ecstatic. I think THAT is the best deal I've ever gotten....I walked out of there with a jar of embossing powder and a stamp pad with refill for the grand total of $3.78. It's the "little" things....
Hubby picked up Hannah's pictures tonight. They turned out great but I was a little bummed that they didn't include any "extras" like they did last month with Matty's. Sometimes they throw a couple of sheets in to try and upsell and make a little more money. I was hoping that they would've thrown in one of the ones where she was kindof crookedy. I'll just post the one I'm talking about.
I'm really regretting not ordering one of these but we're trying sooo hard to save money so we can go to Disneyland. Maybe after the first of the year, I can order a sheet or two online...
Tomorrow is our homeschool group's "Tie-Dye Day". The kids are so excited. Ok, I am too! I'll post pics when I get them home and washed and dried.....
Well, that's all folks!
Jen ºÜº

Hannah's card for Grampy.

Brandon's card for Grampy.

Jake's card for Grampy. (notice the spider...) I helped him cut and glue the patterned papers but he punched and glued the hearts all on his own.

Matty's card for Grampy. I helped him obviously but he told me where he wanted things and he also added his own artistic touches. (notice the pencil scribble about halfway down on the left...)

This is mine for my Grandpa. Not the greatest card that I've done but it was a little nerve wracking doing this with the kids....

This is the one I made my Grandma. It doesn't look quite as good in the picture as it does in person. The stamp is done on ivory vellum....

This one I made for my sister-in-law.
Well, that's it!
If you look at some of the others on the site, they are mini scrapbooks.
I think I'm going to make these for some people for Christmas this year. We're really not going to be able to buy gifts for anyone as we're saving our money for our trip to Disneyland. We're going to Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm the week of Christmas.
Jen ºÜº
I found some new paper to make Hannah's tea party invites--AGAIN! When I made the other ones, I totally spaced that that was the same day as the awards luncheon for her sewing contest. A couple of the other girls are in the contest as well, so we have to change the time. We also decided to go with more fall-like colors. Not orange and yellow but more fall-like pastels instead of the spring-like ones that we originally were going with. It's worked out good as the dishes I have and the artificial flowers that I have in my bathroom will work beautifully. We also found some butterfly christmas ornaments at Joann's that we're going to incorporate into the floral centerpiece. Like I said, this is all working out beautifully now...
I rescheduled Penny's obedience class today-FINALLY. I was just so sick that it just got put on the back burner. Hopefully now I'll have enough energy to do it. The teacher said this class will be more intense homework. But again, if I can get her to settle down, and have a well-trained dog, it will be worth it.
Jen ºÜº
We had pizza for lunch yesterday and hubby watched football while we all took naps. We got up and made dinner and hubby did bills last night while we watched America's Funniest Home Videos and Extreme Home Makeover (tissue alert!!).
See, I told you we are a fun bunch,LOL. We are itching to hit the geocaching "road" again but we're waiting till it's nice and cool to make sure the snakes are sleeping. I saw a thing on tv not too long ago about rattle snake bites and I'm just not looking to live through that experience! My kids are sooo attentive to their surroundings (sarcasm here) that I'm sure they'd never step on one....
Jen ºÜº
I made dinner tonight too. Hey, I'm on a roll! I made a chicken/rice casserole and my family just cannot get enough of it. I'll have to look up some new casserole type dishes. These are the only type of meals that they'll eat a healthy portion of. Well spaghetti too, but that's kindof the same texture....
Me and hubby totally zonked out on the kids tonight for movie night. We rented the new Curious George and Garfield 2. Hubby and I fell asleep about 1/3 way into Curious George and totally missed Garfield. Oh well.
Monsoon season is over here and we're having thunder storms tonight. This is really rare here. Usually we have a very dry and mild fall and winter, only storms in the summer. This year's been really wet since July. I'm not complaining, I think it's great! Last year we literally had 1 week of rain in the summer and none all fall, winter, or spring. Wet GOOD-Dry BAD!
Ok, off to read my book and go to bed....reading a Monica Ferris book "Cutwork". I'm about 2/3 through then I've gotta hunt down the last/newest book in the series then I'm done with that one. I'm going to try something Christian next, those secular books really bother me sometimes. In fact, I bought 3 books in a series last week from Goodwill and started reading the first one tonight and found out that I just won't be able to read them-too much language.....Ok off to bed!
Jen ºÜº
I found a picture in a magazine of a baby about the same size as ours. I showed my kids so that they could see better what the ultrasound meant. I thought someone on here might want to see as well, so I did a "side by side" comparison:)
My kids didn't have quite the same reaction as me and hubby did. They had comments like, "EWWW!!!" and "Our baby looks like an alien!!!, giggle-giggle-giggle". I of course, think he/she is beautiful:)
Jen ºÜº
Baby Lennox
I had my ultrasound today. I haven't had the official "results" from the radiologist yet but I think everything is fine. My due date got moved to the 13th instead of the 14th. It was so neat to see the baby moving around so much. It was just moving it's arms and legs around everywhere and moving it's head back and forth. I started to tear up:) Hubby was able to come with me today too which was so nice.
Jen ºÜº
Today hubby took us out to lunch at a new Mexican restaurant. It was pretty good. The best local one I think. I know what you're thinking, "Mexican food with morning sickness???". Truth is, it doesn't matter WHAT I eat it all makes me sick...so I just go with what everyone else wants.
After my nap this afternoon, I took Hannah to Michael's craft store to pick up some patterned paper for her tea party invites. We found some really cute papers, now we just have to come up with our design. Becky was sweet and sent me a teapot stamp set to borrow that she has from Stampin Up!.
I also bought some yarn at Michael's to crochet a baby blanket. I've been sitting alot lately, and figured I might as well be productive. I might not be able to do the pattern that I want to do though. It's just a simple ripple but I've never done a ripple before and it's with a textured yarn and I can't see the stitches very easily. We'll see.
Well, that's it!
Jen ºÜº
Mom took the 3 older kids to the library today. The boys both picked up books on outer space and astronauts. Hmm, interesting. I didn't know that they were still so interested in those things as we studied it quite a bit last year. But, I'm glad to see that they are getting books of interest yet educational to them and not coming home with "spiderman-type books". They also borrowed some movies to use for tomorrow night.
While they were at the library, I took Matty with me to Goodwill and Savers. I was on the hunt for "tea party" stuff as well as a dog crate and well, anything that I found and could not live without. I found some fake pearl necklaces to use for the tea party, no "good" teacups, but did find a dog crate and decided to get it for my mom's dog instead of Penny for right now. Penny still fits in hers and my mom really needs to get her dog situation straightened out so that she can feel like she can get a job. I think she's stalling on the job because she just doesn't know what to do with those dogs while she's gone all day. This should fix that problem:) I also picked up some movies. We'll use those for movie night tomorrow instead of renting movies as well.
I was really tired tonight and ended up falling asleep halfway through Grey's Anatomy and totally missed ER. Now it's 12:30 am and of course I'm wide awake. ARGH!
Becky, I'm off to see about your blog problem. I haven't had much "luck" with blogs/html lately either but I'll try!
Jen ºÜº
I ventured out to Walmart tonight and picked up some kid-sized clothes hampers and some "rewards" for Matthew so we can get serious about potty training. I've let quite a few things go by the wayside since I've been so sick. Hubby's getting tired of changing "big boy" diapers though, so I've got to make this a priority.
I'm sorry about the Draino test. It IS gross. I only did it because my step mom wanted me to. She told me to do it when I had Matty too, but I don't think I ever did because I had forgotten all about it when she just suggested it to me again. It's probably NOT very accurate, in fact Kelly said she had two "girl" results and she ended up with boys. I am planning on an ultrasound at around 20 weeks. I actually have one on the 12th but it will still be too early to tell anything as I'll only be about 10 weeks then.
Oh, the cravings are hitting now. I'm craving salt and vinegar chips like a mad woman. Sooo not healthy I know!!! I've already outgrown that earlier "smoothie" craving that I had. One day I just had had ENOUGH and still the thought of one makes me sick.....oh the joys:)
Jen ºÜº
Here's the Draino test:
1 cup urine
1 TB Draino
Basically, wet in a cup and add the draino. If the "result" is green it's a girl, if it's brown it's a boy.
Again, we'll see if it's accurate or not.....hubby's already trying to perfect our "boy's" name VBG. Last night it was "Jackson Canyon". I just giggled and said it was too "earthy" for me. Actually now that I look at it in writing, it looks like it could be a Rescue Hero's name LOL. Jake's already saying that if we go with "Jack" that he could call him "Jack Hammer" which IS a Rescue Hero's name. I think I'd better steer clear of the name"Jack"........
Jen ºÜº
Yesterday I got most of "Mt. Laundry" folded. Gotta' get it put away now. We left early yesterday for AWANA so that I could stop at the post office and pick up some fast food for us for dinner. I also had to stop at the grocery store and pick up some cookies and milk as I had volunteered for "snacks" for last night.
AWANA went pretty good. The kids in my group were able to get at least 2 sections done each and one little guy got 6 done! Hannah was only able to get one section done, she's memorizing the Lord's prayer. I bought a handheld voice recorder so I'm going to record myself saying it a bunch of times and have her sit and listen to it. Hopefully that works! It did for me in highschool.....
Hannah's teapot/teacup cookies cutters arrived. Wow, fast shipping! I think I ordered them on Thursday from someone on Ebay. Hannah's getting really excited for her tea party. We are going to be doing November's. Ooohh, the pressure! LOL
I'm starting to be able to eat food again and today discovered "fresh" pineapple. I've never had fresh before, just canned, and it sooo doesn't even compare!
Well, that's about all going on right now. Interesting huh??? LOL
Jen ºÜº
First thing, I decided to switch my kids' curriculum. I decided to go with ACE paces until life settles down for us. That probably won't be for at least 2-3 years though. Anyways, I read through the catalog and was sortof bummed as I evaluated that Hannah really should do the 1st grade level and Brandon should really do the Kindergarten level. They would both be 1 year "behind". I sucked up my pride and said "Ok, we'll just speed things up a little and catch up in a year." Well, I had both the kids take the online placement tests today and Brandon scored at the beginning of 1st grade which is where he "should" be and Hannah actually scored at being the beginning of 3rd grade...one grade ahead! I was totally shocked and happy. I can now RELAX and order the kids their "levels" and we don't have to rush through, we have a whole year to get it done. We are sticking with Math-U-See though, it's the BEST and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
The second thing, and this is a funny one. My step mom had me do the Drain-O test tonight to find out the sex of the baby. According to the test, we're having a BOY. Won't go into the details of the test but lets just say, I'm now a restroom chemist. We'll see just how accurate the "test" is....LOL.
Jen ºÜº
Some more info about that quiz from last night. Me and Becky have actually known each other since I was in 4th grade in public school. We met up with each other again in highschool by another friend of mine who also introduced me to my hubby. I joined a bowling league and ended up bowling for Becky's public school bowling team for 3 years.
Me and hubby started "going out" when I was 15 1/2 and were engaged in December right before I turned 16 in January. We were engaged for 3 years before we got married. He was already in the Air Force for 1 year before we got married as I had to finish up highschool and we both saved up money for our wedding. In hindsight I'm not sure WHAT I was thinking being engaged at 16 but I can see clearly how the Lord brought me and hubby together and would not let us "leave" each other. I did try and break up with him once because he wasn't saved and I knew it would be wrong to be unequally yoked. The night I made the decision in prayer meeting to break up with him--the Lord worked in my hubby's heart and my hubby was saved. Again, we were destined to be together....
Me and Becky also worked at K Mart together for awhile. I put in 5 years, I don't remember how long she was there. We both agree that we will never work there again! I quit my wonderful (snort) dept manager position to stay home with my baby girl...Oh, me and hubby also worked at K Mart together too as teenagers before he joined the AF. He actually got me my job there:)
Ok, done writing my memoirs now...lol.
Jen ºÜº
When you were a kid, what did you want to do
when you grew up?
Get married and have kids.
What do you want to do when your kids grow up?
Go to Disneyland. Just kidding! I would like to own a business selling some kindof art or craft.
Who did you look up to when you were a child/teen?
My Pastor's wife and my friend's mom Linda.
How about now?
The Lord, that same Pastor's wife, and my friend De'Etta:)
List your 3 favorite childhood foods.
Hamburger and fries
Did I mention Pizza?
Now what are they?
Mexican food
Pizza (still!)
A good salad
Name your top 3 music favorites as a teen?
Amy Grant
Martina McBride
The "oldies" station
Top 3 now?
(shhh don't tell! You asked what my favorites are.)
Tim McGraw
Faith Hill
Kenny Chesney
3 interesting things about you then.
I was on a highschool bowling team. (with Becky!)
I was homeschooled through a Christian school in highschool.
I was engaged to my hubby when I was 15 (almost 16)...5 months after we got together! If MY kids ever do something like that!.......VBG
3 interesting things about you now.
Hmmm, I don't think I AM interesting:)
I LOVE my kids and wish I could enjoy them more.
I can make soap from scratch. Does that count????
List your favorite 3 books as a child/teen.
The Boxcar Children. (the first chapter book I ever read by myself!)
Ramona Quimby
The Babysitter's Club series.
When I was a teen, I enjoyed the Janette Oke books and read them all.
What are they now?
Book? What's a book? LOL I mostly read magazines.....and blogs!
I read the Laura Child's Needlework Shop series, it was *ok*.
I'm gearing up to start the Mitford series. My Auntie just gave them to me.
List your 3 favorite childhood/teen places.
The bowling alley....any of them:)
Anywhere with my boyfriend, now hubby Michael:)
The beach....again, any of them!
Now where do you most enjoy going (top 3).
On a date with hubby:)
The beach.
What were your favorite 3 movies?
Back to the Future
Annie........the old one.
Hmmm, drew a blank.
Now your 3 favorite movies are?
The Lakehouse
Hmmm, drew a blank again.
How about TV shows back then? (3)
Saved by the Bell....had a crush on "Zack" VBG.
TV shows now? (3)
The Apprentice
Grey's Anatomy
How many kids did you think you would have?
How many DO you have?
4........working on 5.
List 3 things you thought you would do when you grew up? Did you do them?
Own a home. Did that, then got transferred. Wahhh!
Homeschool. Yup!
Have kids.
List 3 things you NEVER thought you would do... that you did.
Turn into my mom. I'm fighting it....and hard!
Gain a bunch of weight.
Have more than 2 kids.
List 3 friends you are going to tag!
No one--but if you want to do this leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Jen ºÜº
Today after church I stopped at the mall to get some "Preggie Pops" at the Motherhood Maternity store. I'm getting desperate here! They didn't really do much and my Altoids actually work better. I thought the Preggie Pops would have some kindof spices in them like ginger or something to help settle your stomach but they don't, they only have essential oils of Raspberry, Lemon, and Tangerine and a bunch of sugar. How THAT'S supposed to stop nausea I just don't understand.....I think I'll stick to those Altoids. I've also had a constant headache for the last 2 weeks. I can get it to go away by taking some Tylenol but it usually comes right back and I ALWAYS wake up with one, in the morning or nap-doesn't matter. I know I sound like a complainer but this is hard when you have 4 littles! They make so much noise and they just won't sit still, VBG! So, either my they're being loud and I have a headache or I'm up dealing with something and nauseous because I'm walking around. I think I'm getting too *old* for this, LOL.....truthfully though I'm thankful that I'm *still* pg and am gladly putting up with it. I just can't wait for this phase to be over though, second trimester is so much easier! I'm sure my kids can't wait either....:)
On another note, Hannah had her first "Girl's Club" tea party yesterday. There is a group of 6 girls ages 7-10 in our church's homeschool group. We decided that it would be fun to do a tea party club this year to teach the girls manners, telephone manners, party planning, hospitality, etc....yesterday went pretty good. I didn't stay for the whole thing, I ended up running an errand with a lady from church. We had a good visit and got to know each other better. Actually we're doing AWANA together and we are the leaders of the same group. As I've said before, I'm a recovering shy person and am just now beginning to get to know the other ladies at our church. Part of it too was that we've moved so much since we've been married, and we really weren't supposed to be here more than a year, that it was hard for us to want to put down "roots" here. We finally decided though, that since we don't know how long we'll be here, we've just got to get involved and "live life". So, that's what we've been trying to do, and I'm making friends at church :) Ok, back to the tea party. Each of the girls are doing a theme for their tea party. The girl yesterday had a "horse" theme. They discussed the movie "Dreamer" and had a little devotional study. Hannah has decided to do a "Beading" party. We're going to decorate the table with cheap pearl necklaces from the Goodwill and the girls will be making a bracelet for themselves- complete with a teapot or teacup charm that we found at Walmart. I also found some cookie cutters on Ebay shaped like a teapot and teacup. Hannah's thinking of making sandwiches with those. She's getting pretty excited, I'm nervous. I like having people over, but I always stress out way to much over everything that it ends up no fun for me. I'm working on it though.
Jen ºÜº