This is how I can get my boys to take a nap now that they're older. They just won't go to sleep if they're in their beds. They stay in their beds, just never go to sleep and then I'm dealing with grouchy kids the rest of the night. So I set 'em up with a movie and they are "out" just like that!
Today was our second day back to school and I'm encouraged about the rest of our year. The kids are doing great so far and are very eager to learn. We started learning about the body today too. I know it's sticking because Brandon was telling daddy tonight at dinner that we have teeth for "tearing/biting" and teeth for "crunching". I told them next time we're going to be learning where the food "goes". He'll sure have a lot to tell daddy at dinner then, I'm sure. LOL This is my daydreamer, so to hear that something is "sticking" makes me happy!
We had a meeting at church tonight for this year's AWANA workers. It started at 6:30pm and ended just before 9:00pm. We ended up at Denny's for dinner since hubby hadn't eaten yet and tonight is their "Kids Eat Free" night. Our family can eat there for the same amount that it costs us if we were to go to McD's or Burger King or something.
Right now I'm printing off business cards for hubby for his employees. Hubby has been swamped at work. He's down a Human Resources Manager so that means that he's doing THAT job in addition to his. That is alot of work considering their whole business consists of providing employees to their clients. His bosses are cutting him no slack either so he's really rundown and stressed right now. So, I'm going to be up for awhile getting some stuff done for him. On that note, I better go so that I can get this stuff done. This would go some much faster if I could do this on my computer instead of his laptop...
Friday: Had to take mom to the dealership to have her car worked on. Spent the day doing Walmart, Payless Shoes, Joann Fabrics, and then Savers (thrift store). We were on the hunt for some good fabric at least 60% wool for a sewing contest that Hannah will be doing. She has to do the whole project herself, we can only be there to advise/suggest we can't touch it in any way. We're hoping she can make a simple skirt and matching vest and then *maybe* a hat. We picked up a wool blanket that was pink/cream check to use. I'm hoping to find some reasonably priced burgundy and some cream to use as floral accents. Wool is so very expensive and pretty hard to find in Az.....I also picked up a couple of "baby" things that were really cheap and I just couldn't pass them up.
Gender neutral, brand new condition, and totally cute. Do you blame me? They will be even more perfect if we have a little Violet...
Saturday: We headed out again to Goodwill this time. We were on the hunt for a decently priced dresser for Matty. The boys' dresser was overflowing with clothes-time to move one out. I ended up with a really nice solid wood desk that was $25. Kinda weird using a desk as a dresser, I know, but it works for what we need it for. The top will make a handy "diaper changing" area, the drawers are plenty large enough for his clothes, and the space where your legs would go, will work great for him to slide a toy bin into. Saturday night I started working on some baby blankets that I'm making for friends and family who are having babies within the next 6 months or so. This is the first one so far...4 more to go!
They are made from "baby" chenille and flannel and so soft and snuggly!
Today we started back to school. Had a rough start this morning and really trying to get myself into a regular schedule. The kids were a little wiggly but we got it all done. I'm doing Saxon Phonics K with both my 6 yo and 4 yo and they are both "getting it". My 4 yo's fine motor skills are not as developed yet but he's right up there with the 6yo in memorizing the letters and sounds. Both my 7 yo and 6 yo LOVE math and would sit and do it all day if I let them. My 4 yo is chomping at the bit to do it as well but we've gotta get him memorizing his numbers and doing his counting first. We all sat down and actually played a *game* today. I really am NOT fond of board games, ESPECIALLY kids ones. But, I did it anyways and we all had a good time. Even my 2 yo had fun, he kept asking me "My turn!?!". I'd say "not yet..." and then he go "K!". It was too cute...
I headed out this evening to take Penny to the groomer. I know, it seems like such an extravagence but I can't *stand* cutting her nails. I figure it's worth the $10/month to go have her done. I do give her a bath though about halfway in between and clean out her ears every other day. Bassets are known for "smelling" and it's mostly because of their "hound ears" so I keep them clean.
Well, the diet subject has been brought up again. Becky just joined WW and is wanting me to check it out. I've been wanting to get back into it but right now I'm kinda waiting until I know if I'm pg or not. Won't really be able to find out for another week or so. I'm trying to eat healthier and chose a buffet restaurant tonight instead of Wendy's for dinner while I was waiting for Penny. I was able to have a salad and grilled chicken and even had some SF pudding for dessert. Not trying to lose weight at this point just looking to make better choices. I'm also on a juice kick. I figure if I want something instead of water to drink, a little juice is healthier than soda and I can get some extra vitamins that way. Sooo I am working my there, just kinda in limbo right now until I know for sure. If the past is any predictor of the future I'm really expecing a + result next week, but God is ultimately in control and it might be a "no" for now. I'm ok with that too. Then, I can get myself back into "shape" and then sometime next year start thinking about a baby again, or maybe not. Hubby has kindof started panicking thinking about another. I thought he was ok with it, but maybe God needs to work some more in his heart first. I think the biggest thing for him is the financial responsibility of a child and the medical bills right off the bat. He's really working towards paying off our debt and is probably looking at it as "2 steps forward, 1 step back". If it wasn't for the money, he would be right there with me 100%.
Well, I better go. I'm determined to go to bed at a decent hour tonight. Might not be able to fall asleep but at least I can say I went to bed early.
Jen ºÜº